Associate Professor, University Grenoble Alpes, France
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Cited by
Fast complementary filter for attitude estimation using low-cost MARG sensors
J Wu, Z Zhou, J Chen, H Fourati, R Li
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (18), 6997-7007, 2016
Heterogeneous data fusion algorithm for pedestrian navigation via foot-mounted inertial measurement unit and complementary filter
H Fourati
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 64 (1), 221-229, 2014
Complementary observer for body segments motion capturing by inertial and magnetic sensors
H Fourati, N Manamanni, L Afilal, Y Handrich
IEEE/ASME transactions on Mechatronics 19 (1), 149-157, 2012
A nonlinear filtering approach for the attitude and dynamic body acceleration estimation based on inertial and magnetic sensors: Bio-logging application
H Fourati, N Manamanni, L Afilal, Y Handrich
IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (1), 233-244, 2010
Fast linear quaternion attitude estimator using vector observations
J Wu, Z Zhou, B Gao, R Li, Y Cheng, H Fourati
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 15 (1), 307-319, 2017
Multisensor data fusion: from algorithms and architectural design to applications
H Fourati
CRC press, 2017
Generalized linear quaternion complementary filter for attitude estimation from multisensor observations: An optimization approach
J Wu, Z Zhou, H Fourati, R Li, M Liu
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 16 (3), 1330-1343, 2019
A comparative analysis of attitude estimation for pedestrian navigation with smartphones
T Michel, H Fourati, P Geneves, N Layaïda
2015 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2015
Energy-aware adaptive attitude estimation under external acceleration for pedestrian navigation
A Makni, H Fourati, AY Kibangou
IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mechatronics 21 (3), 1366-1375, 2015
Posture and body acceleration tracking by inertial and magnetic sensing: Application in behavioral analysis of free-ranging animals
H Fourati, N Manamanni, L Afilal, Y Handrich
Biomedical signal processing and control 6 (1), 94-104, 2011
On attitude estimation with smartphones
T Michel, P Geneves, H Fourati, N Layaïda
2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2017
Multisensor attitude estimation: fundamental concepts and applications
H Fourati, DEC Belkhiat
CRC Press, 2016
Position estimation approach by complementary filter-aided IMU for indoor environment
H Fourati, N Manamanni, L Afilal, Y Handrich
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 4208-4213, 2013
Attitude estimation for indoor navigation and augmented reality with smartphones
T Michel, P Genevès, H Fourati, N Layaïda
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 46, 96-121, 2018
Adaptive Kalman filter for MEMS-IMU based attitude estimation under external acceleration and parsimonious use of gyroscopes
A Makni, H Fourati, AY Kibangou
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 1379-1384, 2014
Cooperative localization and navigation: theory, research, and Practice
C Gao, G Zhao, H Fourati
CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2019
A super fast attitude determination algorithm for consumer-level accelerometer and magnetometer
J Wu, Z Zhou, H Fourati, Y Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 64 (3), 375-381, 2018
Development of a radiation based heat model for satellite attitude determination
A Labibian, SH Pourtakdoust, A Alikhani, H Fourati
Aerospace Science and Technology 82, 479-486, 2018
Location of turning ratio and flow sensors for flow reconstruction in large traffic networks
M Rodriguez-Vega, C Canudas-de-Wit, H Fourati
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 121, 21-40, 2019
Critical issues on Kalman filter with colored and correlated system noises
Z Zhou, J Wu, Y Li, C Fu, H Fourati
Asian Journal of Control 19 (6), 1905-1919, 2017
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Articles 1–20