Панченко Анатолій Іванович, Панченко А.И., Anatolii Panchenko, orcid 0000-0002-1230-1463
Панченко Анатолій Іванович, Панченко А.И., Anatolii Panchenko, orcid 0000-0002-1230-1463
Професор, Тарійський державний агротехнологічний університет імені Дмитра Моторного, Dmytro Motornyi
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене tsatu.edu.ua
Improvement of manufacture workability for distribution systems of planetary hydraulic machines
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, O Boltyansky, O Titova
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 732-741, 2019
Operating conditions’ influence on the change of functional characteristics for mechatronic systems with orbital hydraulic motors
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, I Milaeva, P Luzan
Modern development paths of agricultural production: Trends and innovations …, 2019
The Influence of the form Error after Rotor Manufacturing on the Output Characteristics of an Orbital Hydraulic Motor
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, I Milaeva, I Panchenko, O Titova
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (4.3), 1–5, 2018
Designing the flow-through parts of distribution systems for the PRG series planetary hydraulic motors
А Panchenko, А Voloshinа, О Boltyansky, I Milaeva, I Grechka, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies: Engineering …, 2018
Reliability design of rotors for orbital hydraulic motors
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, I Panchenko, O Titova, A Pastushenko
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (1), 012017, 2019
Design of hydraulic mechatronic systems with specified output characteristics
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, O Titova, I Panchenko, A Caldare
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 42-51, 2020
Improving the output characteristics of planetary hydraulic machines
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, I Panchenko, O Titova, A Zasiadko
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708 (1), 012038, 2019
Development of the universal model of mechatronic system with a hydraulic drive
А Panchenko, А Voloshinа, S Kiurchev, O Titova, D Onopreychuk, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies: Applied mechanics 4 (7 …, 2018
Geometrical parameters for distribution systems of hydraulic machines
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, I Panchenko, A Zasiadko
Modern Development Paths of Agricultural Production: Trends and Innovations …, 2019
Kinematics of motion of rotors of an orbital hydraulic machine
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, P Luzan, I Panchenko, S Volkov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1021 (1), 012045, 2021
Justification of the Kinematic Diagrams for the Distribution System of a Planetary Hydraulic Motor
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, O Boltynskiy, I Panchenko, O Titova
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (4.3), 6-11, 2018
Changes in the dynamics of the output characteristics of mechatronic systems with planetary hydraulic motors
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, O Titova, I Panchenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1741 (1), 012045, 2021
Experimental studies of a throughput of the distribution systems of planetary hydraulic motors
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, O Titova, V Pashchenko, A Zasiadko
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1021 (1), 012054, 2021
Influence of the design features of orbital hydraulic motors on the change in the dynamic characteristics of hydraulic drives
A Panchenko, A Voloshina, SS Sadullozoda, O Boltyansky, V Panina
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 101-111, 2022
Prediction of changes in the output characteristics of the planetary hydraulic motor
A Voloshina, A Panchenko, O Titova, I Milaeva, A Pastushenko
Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes …, 2020
Модель гідравлічного приводу мехатронної системи
АІ Панченко, АА Волошина, ІА Панченко, АА Волошин
Праці Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету 2 (18), 59-83, 2018
Конструктивные особенности планетарных гидромоторов серии PRG
АИ Панченко, АА Волошина, ИА Панченко
Вісник НТУ «ХПІ». Серія: Гідравлічні машини та гідроагрегати, 88-95, 2018
Вплив конструктивних особливостей торцевої розподільної системи на функціональні параметри планетарного гідромотора
АІ Панченко, АА Волошина, АІ Засядько
Праці Таврійського державного агротехнологічного університету. Технічні …, 2017
Планетарно-роторные гидромоторы. Расчет и проектирование
АИ Панченко, АІ Панченко, АА Волошина, АА Волошина
Издательско-полиграфический центр" Люкс", 2016
Разработка планетарных гидромоторов для силовых гидроприводов мобильной техники
АИ Панченко, АА Волошина, ИА Панченко
MOTROL. – Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture 17 (9 …, 2015
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