Lampros Svolos
Lampros Svolos
Assistant Professor, University of Vermont
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Cited by
Thermal-conductivity degradation across cracks in coupled thermo-mechanical systems modeled by the phase-field fracture method
L Svolos, CA Bronkhorst, H Waisman
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137, 103861, 2020
A fourth-order phase-field fracture model: Formulation and numerical solution using a continuous/discontinuous Galerkin method
L Svolos, HM Mourad, G Manzini, K Garikipati
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 165, 104910, 2022
Anisotropic thermal-conductivity degradation in the phase-field method accounting for crack directionality
L Svolos, HM Mourad, CA Bronkhorst, H Waisman
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 245, 107554, 2021
Updating strategy of a domain decomposition preconditioner for parallel solution of dynamic fracture problems
L Svolos, L Berger-Vergiat, H Waisman
Journal of Computational Physics 422, 109746, 2020
On the convexity of phase-field fracture formulations: Analytical study and comparison of various degradation functions
L Svolos, JYN Plohr, G Manzini, HM Mourad
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 150, 104359, 2023
A -Conforming Arbitrary-Order Two-Dimensional Virtual Element Method for the Fourth-Order Phase-Field Equation
D Adak, G Manzini, HM Mourad, JYN Plohr, L Svolos
Journal of Scientific Computing 98 (2), 38, 2024
A guide to the design of the virtual element methods for second-and fourth-order partial differential equations
Y Leng, L Svolos, D Adak, I Boureima, G Manzini, HM Mourad, JN Plohr
Mathematics in Engineering 5 (LA-UR-23-29234), 2023
Arbitrary Order Virtual Element Methods for High‐Order Phase‐Field Modeling of Dynamic Fracture
Y Leng, L Svolos, I Boureima, G Manzini, JN Plohr, HM Mourad
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, e7605, 2024
Efficient Computational Methods in Coupled Thermomechanical Problems: Shear Bands and Fracture of Metals
L Svolos
Columbia University, 2020
2017 T Division Lightning Talks
ML Ramsey, JAMM Abeywardhana, CM Adams, LC Adams, AL Carter, ...
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2017
Μη γραμμικές ιδιομορφές. Θεωρία και εφαρμογές σε πολυβάθμια συστήματα
Λ Σβώλος
Δυναμική συμπεριφορά σεισμικού μονωτήρα-Εξισώσεις Duffing και Van der Pol
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Articles 1–12