Simon Mahony
Simon Mahony
Emeritus Professor of Digital Humanities, UCL
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Cited by
Knowledge creation and sharing with Web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning roles in so-called University 2.0
A Kulakli, S Mahony
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 150, 648-657, 2014
Teaching skills or teaching methodology?
S Mahony, E Pierazzo
OpenBook Publishers, 2012
Cultural diversity and the digital humanities
S Mahony
Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 11 (3), 371-388, 2018
Cultural institutions in the digital age: British Museum’s use of Facebook Insights
S Mahony, A Spiliopoulou, V Routsis, C Kamposiori
Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies 11 (1), 286-303, 2017
TRAViz: A visualization for variant graphs
S Jänicke, A Geßner, G Franzini, M Terras, S Mahony, G Scheuermann
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 30 (suppl_1), i83-i99, 2015
A catalogue of digital editions
G Franzini, S Mahony, M Terras
Open Book Publishers 4, 161-182, 2016
Digital research in the study of classical antiquity
G Bodard, S Mahony
Ashgate, 2010
The value of critical destruction: Evaluating multispectral image processing methods for the analysis of primary historical texts
A Giacometti, A Campagnolo, L MacDonald, S Mahony, S Robson, ...
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32 (1), 101-122, 2017
Digital humanities in the iSchool
JA Walsh, PJ Cobb, W de Fremery, K Golub, H Keah, J Kim, J Kiplang'at, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 73 (2 …, 2022
Digital editions of text: surveying user requirements in the digital humanities
G Franzini, M Terras, S Mahony
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 12 (1), 1-23, 2019
The intellectual structure of digital humanities: An author co-citation analysis
J Gao, O Duke-Williams, S Mahony, M Ramdarshan Bold, J Nyhan
Digital Humanities 2017, 2017
Visualising the digital humanities community: A comparison study between citation network and social network
J Gao, J Nyhan, O Duke-Williams, S Mahony
Digital Humanities 2018: Puentes-Bridges, 2018
Cultural heritage destruction: documenting parchment degradation via multispectral imaging
A Giacometti, A Campagnolo, L MacDonald, S Mahony, MM Terras, ...
EVA London 2012: Electronic Visualisation & the Arts. Proceedings of a …, 2012
Gender influences in Digital Humanities co-authorship networks
J Gao, J Nyhan, O Duke-Williams, S Mahony
Journal of Documentation 78 (7), 327-350, 2022
Open education and open educational resources for the teaching of classics in the UK
S Mahony
Ubiquity Press, 2016
The impact of digitization and digital resource design on the scholarly workflow in art history
C Kamposiori, C Warwick, S Mahony
International Journal for Digital Art History 4, 3.11-3.27, 2019
One Era's Nonsense, Another's Norm: Diachronic Study of Greek and the Computer
N Toufexis
Digital research in the study of classical antiquity, 105-118, 2016
Digital humanities pedagogy: Practices, principles and politics
S Mahony, E Pierazzo, BD Hirsch
Open Book Publishers, 2012
Research communities and open collaboration: the example of the Digital Classicist wiki
S Mahony
Digital Medievalist 6, 2011
Content-based recommender systems for heritage: developing a personalised museum tour
O Loboda, J Nyhan, S Mahony, D Romano, M Terras
DSRS-Turing, 2019
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Articles 1–20