Derek Rose
Cited by
Cited by
Deep machine learning-a new frontier in artificial intelligence research [research frontier]
I Arel, DC Rose, TP Karnowski
IEEE computational intelligence magazine 5 (4), 13-18, 2010
Optimizing deep learning hyper-parameters through an evolutionary algorithm
SR Young, DC Rose, TP Karnowski, SH Lim, RM Patton
Proceedings of the workshop on machine learning in high-performance …, 2015
Destin: A scalable deep learning architecture with application to high-dimensional robust pattern recognition
I Arel, D Rose, R Coop
2009 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2009
A fast and stable incremental clustering algorithm
S Young, I Arel, TP Karnowski, D Rose
2010 Seventh International Conference on Information Technology: New …, 2010
Age, gender, and fine-grained ethnicity prediction using convolutional neural networks for the East Asian face dataset
N Srinivas, H Atwal, DC Rose, G Mahalingam, K Ricanek, DS Bolme
2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2017
Fast, simple calcium imaging segmentation with fully convolutional networks
A Klibisz, D Rose, M Eicholtz, J Blundon, S Zakharenko
International Workshop on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis, 285-293, 2017
Evolving deep networks using hpc
SR Young, DC Rose, T Johnston, WT Heller, TP Karnowski, TE Potok, ...
Proceedings of the Machine Learning on HPC Environments, 1-7, 2017
Restoring auditory cortex plasticity in adult mice by restricting thalamic adenosine signaling
JA Blundon, NC Roy, BJW Teubner, J Yu, TY Eom, KJ Sample, A Pani, ...
Science 356 (6345), 1352-1356, 2017
167-pflops deep learning for electron microscopy: from learning physics to atomic manipulation
RM Patton, JT Johnston, SR Young, CD Schuman, DD March, TE Potok, ...
SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2018
Schizophrenia-related microdeletion causes defective ciliary motility and brain ventricle enlargement via microRNA-dependent mechanisms in mice
TY Eom, SB Han, J Kim, JA Blundon, YD Wang, J Yu, K Anderson, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 912, 2020
Deep spatiotemporal feature learning with application to image classification
TP Karnowski, I Arel, D Rose
2010 Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2010
A deep learning architecture comprising homogeneous cortical circuits for scalable spatiotemporal pattern inference
I Arel, D Rose, T Karnowski
NIPS 2009 Workshop on Deep Learning for Speech Recognition and Related …, 2009
A public key cryptographic method for denial of service mitigation in wireless sensor networks
O Arazi, H Qi, D Rose
2007 4th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2007
Applying deep-layered clustering to mammography image analytics
DC Rose, I Arel, TP Karnowski, VC Paquit
2010 Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Conference, 1-4, 2010
Exascale deep learning to accelerate cancer research
RM Patton, JT Johnston, SR Young, CD Schuman, TE Potok, DC Rose, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1488-1496, 2019
Localized Defect Detection from Spatially Mapped, In-Situ Process Data With Machine Learning
W Halsey, D Rose, L Scime, R Dehoff, V Paquit
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering 7, 767444, 2021
Low size, weight, and power neuromorphic computing to improve combustion engine efficiency
CD Schuman, SR Young, JP Mitchell, JT Johnston, D Rose, ...
2020 11th International Green and Sustainable Computing Workshops (IGSC), 1-8, 2020
Evolving energy efficient convolutional neural networks
SR Young, P Devineni, M Parsa, JT Johnston, B Kay, RM Patton, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 4479-4485, 2019
Self-certified public key generation on the intel mote 2 sensor network platform
O Arazi, I Elhanany, D Rose, H Qi, B Arazi
2006 2nd IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks, 118-120, 2006
DeSTIN: A deep learning architecture with application to high-dimensional robust pattern recognition
I Arel, D Rose, B Coop
Proc. 2008 AAAI Workshop Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), 2009
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Articles 1–20