Petr V. Sivtsev
Petr V. Sivtsev
researcher, North-Eastern
Нет подтвержденного адреса электронной почты
Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete deep beams
AE Kolesov, PV Sivtsev, P Smarzewski, PN Vabishchevich
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: 6th International Conference, NAA …, 2017
Numerical simulation of thermoelasticity problems on high performance computing systems
PV Sivtsev, PN Vabishchevich, MV Vasilyeva
Finite Difference Methods, Theory and Applications: 6th International …, 2015
Numerical simulation of deformations of softwood sawn timber
VN Glukhikh, AY Okhlopkova, PV Sivtsev
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 11th International Conference, LSSC 2017 …, 2018
The numerical solution of thermoporoelastoplasticity problems
PV Sivtsev, AE Kolesov, IK Sirditov, SP Stepanov
AIP Conference Proceedings 1773 (1), 2016
Numerical study of soil-thawing effect of composite piles using GMsFEM
PV Sivtsev, P Smarzewski, SP Stepanov
Journal of Composites Science 5 (7), 167, 2021
A Jacobi collocation method for the fractional Ginzburg-Landau differential equation
Y Yang, J Tao, S Zhang, PV Sivtsev
Adv. Appl. Math. Mech 12 (1), 57-86, 2020
Numerical simulation of deformations of basalt roving
AV Sivtseva, PV Sivtsev
Finite Difference Methods. Theory and Applications: 7th International …, 2019
Numerical calculation of the effective coefficient in the problem of linear elasticity of a composite material
PE Zakharov, PV Sivtsev
Mathematical notes of NEFU 24 (2), 75-84, 2017
Численное моделирование задач термоупругости для конструкции с внутренним источником
МВ Васильева, ПЕ Захаров, ПВ Сивцев, ДА Спиридонов
Математические заметки СВФУ 24 (3), 52-64, 2017
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Its Applications
AE Kolesov, PV Sivtsev, P Smarzewski, PN Vabishchevich
Springer, 2016
Numerical analysis of stress-strain state and crack propagation in welded samples
MS Bisong, PV Sivtsev, VV Lepov
Solid State Phenomena 265, 507-512, 2017
Numerical modeling of thermoelasticity problems for constructions with inner heat source
MV Vasil'eva, PE Zakharov, PV Sivtsev, DA Spiridonov
Mathematical notes of NEFU 24 (3), 52-64, 2017
Computational experiment on the numerical solution of some inverse problems of mathematical physics
VI Vasil'Ev, AM Kardashevsky, PV Sivtsev
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 158 (1), 012093, 2016
Hardening parameter homogenization for J2 flow with isotropic hardening of steel fiber-reinforced concrete composites
PV Sivtsev, P Smarzewski
Crystals 11 (7), 776, 2021
Numerical homogenization of elastoplastic deformations of composite material with small proportion of inclusions
PV Sivtsev, AE Kolesov, PE Zakharov, Y Yang
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1392 (1), 012074, 2019
Численное моделирование задачи упругости железобетонных плит
ПВ Сивцев
Вестник Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. МК Аммосова, 64-74, 2015
A neural network reduced order model for the elasticity problem
A Grigorev, A Grigorev, P Sivtsev, S Stepanov
AIP Conference Proceedings 2528 (1), 2022
Numerical Simulation of Deformations of Softwood Sawn Timber
PV Sivtsev, VN Glukhikh, AY Okhlopkova
Mezhdunar. konf.«Mnogomasshtabnye metody i vysokoproizvoditel'nye nauchnye …, 2017
Numerical solution of the inverse Cauchy problem for the elliptic equation
GA Prokop'ev, VI Vasiliev, AM Kardashevsky, PV Sivtsev
Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya [Siberian Electronic …, 2017
Features of modeling of stress and strain waves in an anisotropic medium on the example of a wooden element
P Romanov, P Sivtsev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2131 (3), 032089, 2021
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