Thomas Sourmail
Thomas Sourmail
RDMP - Steelmaking - Dept Head - ArcelorMittal
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Cited by
Precipitation in creep resistant austenitic stainless steels
T Sourmail
Materials science and technology 17 (1), 1-14, 2001
Near equiatomic FeCo alloys: Constitution, mechanical and magnetic properties
T Sourmail
Progress in Materials Science 50 (7), 816-880, 2005
Tensile behaviour of a nanocrystalline bainitic steel containing 3 wt% silicon
C Garcia-Mateo, FG Caballero, T Sourmail, M Kuntz, J Cornide, V Smanio, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 549, 185-192, 2012
The influence of silicon in tempered martensite: Understanding the microstructure–properties relationship in 0.5–0.6 wt.% C steels
B Kim, E Boucard, T Sourmail, D San Martín, N Gey, ...
Acta Materialia 68, 169-178, 2014
Wear of nano-structured carbide-free bainitic steels under dry rolling–sliding conditions
A Leiro, E Vuorinen, KG Sundin, B Prakash, T Sourmail, V Smanio, ...
Wear 298, 42-47, 2013
Stability of retained austenite in TRIP-assisted steels
MY Sherif, CG Mateo, T Sourmail, HKDH Bhadeshia
Materials Science and Technology 20 (3), 319-322, 2004
Evaluation of potential of high Si high C steel nanostructured bainite for wear and fatigue applications
T Sourmail, FG Caballero, C García-Mateo, V Smanio, C Ziegler, M Kuntz, ...
Materials Science and Technology 29 (10), 1166-1173, 2013
Low temperature kinetics of bainite formation in high carbon steels
T Sourmail, V Smanio
Acta Materialia 61 (7), 2639-2648, 2013
Microstructural evolution in two variants of NF709 at 1023 and 1073 K
T Sourmail, H Bhadeshia
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 36, 23-34, 2005
Nanostructured steel industrialisation: plausible reality
C Garcia-Mateo, T Sourmail, FG Caballero, V Smanio, M Kuntz, C Ziegler, ...
Materials Science and Technology 30 (9), 1071-1078, 2014
Neural network model of creep strength of austenitic stainless steels
T Sourmail, H Bhadeshia, DJC MacKay
Materials Science and Technology 18 (6), 655-663, 2002
Critical assessment of models for predicting the Ms temperature of steels
T Sourmail, C Garcia-Mateo
Computational materials science 34 (4), 323-334, 2005
The effect of silicon on the nanoprecipitation of cementite
B Kim, C Celada, D San Martín, T Sourmail, PEJ Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo
Acta materialia 61 (18), 6983-6992, 2013
On the role of microstructure in governing the fatigue behaviour of nanostructured bainitic steels
R Rementeria, L Morales-Rivas, M Kuntz, C Garcia-Mateo, E Kerscher, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 630, 71-77, 2015
In situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and dilatometric study of austenite formation in a multi-component steel: Influence of initial microstructure and heating rate
VA Esin, B Denand, Q Le Bihan, M Dehmas, J Teixeira, G Geandier, ...
Acta materialia 80, 118-131, 2014
Composition optimization of high-strength steels for sulfide stress cracking resistance improvement
C Mendibide, T Sourmail
Corrosion science 51 (12), 2878-2884, 2009
Sensitisation and evolution of chromium-depleted zones in Fe-Cr-Ni-C systems
T Sourmail, B HKDH
ISIJ international 43 (11), 1814-1820, 2003
Evolution of strength and coercivity during annealing of FeCo based alloys
T Sourmail
Scripta materialia 51 (6), 589-591, 2004
Modelling simultaneous precipitation reactions in austenitic stainless steels
T Sourmail, H Bhadeshia
Calphad 27 (2), 169-175, 2003
A model for predicting the Ms temperatures of steels
T Sourmail, C Garcia-Mateo
Computational Materials Science 34 (2), 213-218, 2005
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Articles 1–20