Pedro Contreras
Pedro Contreras
Loughborough University
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Algorithms for hierarchical clustering: an overview
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2 (1 …, 2012
Methods of hierarchical clustering
F Murtagh, P Contreras
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.0121, 2011
Hierarchical clustering
P Contreras, F Murtagh
Handbook of cluster analysis, 103-123, 2015
Hierarchical clustering of massive, high dimensional data sets by exploiting ultrametric embedding
F Murtagh, G Downs, P Contreras
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (2), 707-730, 2008
Fast, linear time hierarchical clustering using the Baire metric
P Contreras, F Murtagh
Journal of Classification 29, 118-143, 2012
Interactive visual user interfaces: a survey
F Murtagh, T Taskaya, P Contreras, J Mothe, K Englmeier
Artificial Intelligence Review 19, 263-283, 2003
Fast, linear time, m-adic hierarchical clustering for search and retrieval using the Baire metric, with linkages to generalized ultrametrics, hashing, formal concept …
F Murtagh, P Contreras
P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 4, 46-56, 2012
Random projection towards the Baire metric for high dimensional clustering
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Statistical Learning and Data Sciences: Third International Symposium, SLDS …, 2015
Wiley Interdisciplinary Rev
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Data Min. Knowl. Disc 2, 86, 2012
Fast hierarchical clustering from the Baire distance
P Contreras, F Murtagh
Classification as a Tool for Research: Proceedings of the 11th IFCS Biennial …, 2010
A numerical calculation of the electronic specific heat for the compound Sr2RuO4 below its superconducting transition temperature
P Contreras, J Burgos, E Ochoa, D Uzcategui, R Almeida
Revista mexicana de física 60 (3), 184-189, 2014
Search and Retrieval in Massive Data Collections
P Contreras
Ph. D. Thesis, 2010
A virtual e-retailing environment in golem
S Bromuri, V Urovi, P Contreras, K Stathis
IET Digital Library, 2008
Hierarchical clustering for finding symmetries and other patterns in massive, high dimensional datasets
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms: Volume 1: Clustering …, 2012
Multi-criteria ordered clustering of countries in the Global Health Security Index
J Pereira, P Contreras, DC Morais, P Arroyo-López
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 84, 101331, 2022
Clustering through high dimensional data scaling: applications and implementations
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Archives of Data Science, Series A 2 (1), 1-16, 2017
Linear storage and potentially constant time hierarchical clustering using the Baire metric and random spanning paths
F Murtagh, P Contreras
Analysis of Large and Complex Data, 43-52, 2016
Evaluation of hierarchies based on the longest common prefix, or Baire, metric
P Contreras, F Murtagh
Classification Society of North America (CSNA) meeting, University of …, 2007
A multi-criteria and stochastic robustness analysis approach to compare nations sustainability
J Pereira, P Contreras, DC Morais, P Arroyo-López
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 80, 101159, 2022
Methods of Hierarchical Clustering. 2011
F Murtagh, P Contreras
arXiv preprint arXiv:1105.0121, 0
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Articles 1–20