Debmalya Mukherjee
Debmalya Mukherjee
Associate Dean and Professor of Management, The University of Akron
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How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines
N Donthu, S Kumar, D Mukherjee, N Pandey, WM Lim
Journal of Business Research 133, 285-296, 2021
Guidelines for advancing theory and practice through bibliometric research
D Mukherjee, WM Lim, S Kumar, N Donthu
Journal of business research 148, 101-115, 2022
Literature reviews as independent studies: guidelines for academic practice
S Kraus, M Breier, WM Lim, M Dabić, S Kumar, D Kanbach, D Mukherjee, ...
Review of Managerial Science 16 (8), 2577-2595, 2022
Rising with the machines: a sociotechnical framework for bringing artificial intelligence into the organization
E Makarius, D Mukherjee, J Fox, A Fox
Journal of Business Research 120 (C), 262-273, 2020
Understanding offshoring: A research framework based on disintegration, location and externalization advantages
BL Kedia, D Mukherjee
Journal of World Business 44 (3), 250-261, 2009
Buyer–supplier partnership quality and supply chain performance: Moderating role of risks, and environmental uncertainty
M Srinivasan, D Mukherjee, AS Gaur
European management journal 29 (4), 260-271, 2011
Environmental and firm level influences on inter‐organizational trust and SME performance
AS Gaur, D Mukherjee, SS Gaur, F Schmid
Journal of Management studies 48 (8), 1752-1781, 2011
Leading virtual teams: how do social, cognitive, and behavioral capabilities matter?
D Mukherjee, S Lahiri, D Mukherjee, TK Billing
Management Decision 50 (2), 273-290, 2012
The impact of management capability on the resource–performance linkage: Examining Indian outsourcing providers
S Lahiri, BL Kedia, D Mukherjee
Journal of World Business 47 (1), 145-155, 2012
Indian business groups: Evolution and transformation
BL Kedia, D Mukherjee, S Lahiri
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 23, 559-577, 2006
Business group reputation and affiliates’ internationalization strategies
D Mukherjee, ME Erin, EC Stevens
Journal of World Business, 2018
Understanding commercialization of technological innovation: taking stock and moving forward
A Datta, D Mukherjee, L Jessup
R&D Management 45 (3), 215-249, 2015
Behind the internationalization of family SMEs: A strategy tripod synthesis
S Lahiri, D Mukherjee, MW Peng
Global Strategy Journal 10 (4), 813-838, 2020
Creating value through offshore outsourcing: An integrative framework
D Mukherjee, AS Gaur, A Datta
Journal of International Management 19 (4), 377-389, 2013
External and internal influences on R&D alliance formation: Evidence from German SMEs
D Mukherjee, AS Gaur, SS Gaur, F Schmid
Journal of Business Research 66 (11), 2178-2185, 2013
Managing internationalization and innovation tradeoffs in entrepreneurial firms: Evidence from transition economies
M Bahl, S Lahiri, D Mukherjee
Journal of world business 56 (1), 101150, 2021
Ownership strategies in knowledge-intensive cross-border acquisitions: Comparing Chinese and Indian MNEs
VG Scalera, D Mukherjee, L Piscitello
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 37, 155-185, 2020
Search motives, local embeddedness, and knowledge outcomes in offshoring
D Mukherjee, SR Lahiri, Somnath, Ash, AS Gaur
Journal of Business Research 103, 365-375, 2019
Organizational identification among global virtual team members: The role of individualism‐collectivism and uncertainty avoidance
P Mukherjee, D., Hanlon, S.C., Kedia, B.K., Srisvastava
Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 19 (4), 526-545, 2012
Research Published in Management International Review from 2006 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Directions
D Mukherjee, S Kumar, N Donthu, N Pandey
Management International Review, 1-44, 2021
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