Yunchao Wu
Yunchao Wu
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Development of a virtual CFR engine model for knocking combustion analysis
P Pal, C Kolodziej, S Choi, S Som, A Broatch, J Gomez-Soriano, Y Wu, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 11 (6), 1069-1082, 2018
Multidimensional numerical simulations of knocking combustion in a cooperative fuel research engine
P Pal, Y Wu, T Lu, S Som, YC See, A Le Moine
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140 (10), 102205, 2018
A skeletal chemical kinetic mechanism for gasoline and gasoline/ethanol blend surrogates for engine CFD applications
Y Wu, P Pal, S Som, T Lu
International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, 2017
Multi-dimensional CFD simulations of knocking combustion in a CFR engine
P Pal, Y Wu, T Lu, S Som, YC See, A Le Moine
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 58325, V002T06A017, 2017
Numerical investigation of fuel property effects on mixed-mode combustion in a spark-ignition engine
C Xu, P Pal, X Ren, M Sjöberg, N Van Dam, Y Wu, T Lu, M McNenly, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (4), 042306, 2021
Ignition dynamics of DME/methane-air reactive mixing layer under reactivity controlled compression ignition conditions: Effects of cool flames
T Jin, Y Wu, X Wang, KH Luo, T Lu, K Luo, J Fan
Applied Energy 249, 343-354, 2019
Numerical investigation of a central fuel property hypothesis under boosted spark-ignition conditions
P Pal, K Kalvakala, Y Wu, M McNenly, S Lapointe, R Whitesides, T Lu, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (3), 032305, 2021
Numerical analysis of fuel effects on advanced compression ignition using a cooperative fuel research engine computational fluid dynamics model
K Kalvakala, P Pal, Y Wu, G Kukkadapu, C Kolodziej, JP Gonzalez, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (10), 102304, 2021
Scalable continuous flow synthesis of ZnO nanorod arrays in 3-D ceramic honeycomb substrates for low-temperature desulfurization
S Wang, Y Wu, R Miao, M Zhang, X Lu, B Zhang, A Kinstler, Z Ren, Y Guo, ...
CrystEngComm 19 (34), 5128-5136, 2017
A linearized error propagation method for skeletal mechanism reduction
Y Wu, Y Liu, T Lu
Combustion and Flame 211, 303-311, 2020
Asymptotic analysis of outwardly propagating spherical flames
YC Wu, Z Chen
Acta Mechanica Sinica 28 (2), 359-366, 2012
Skeletal and reduced kinetic models for methane oxidation under engine-relevant conditions
J Su, Y Wu, Y Wang, X Chen, Z Chen
Fuel 288, 119667, 2021
A linearized error propagation model based on Jacobian analysis for skeletal mechanism reduction
Y Liu, Y Wu, Y Gao, T Lu
9th US National Combustion Meeting, Cincinnati, 2015
Effects of non-thermal termolecular reactions on detonation development in hydrogen (H2)/methane (CH4)-air mixtures
S Desai, Y Tao, R Sivaramakrishnan, Y Wu, T Lu, JH Chen
Combustion and Flame 244, 112277, 2022
Simulations of multi-mode combustion regimes realizable in a gasoline direct injection engine
S Kim, R Scarcelli, Y Wu, J Rohwer, A Shah, T Rockstroh, T Lu
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (11), 112307, 2021
A second-order dynamic adaptive hybrid scheme for time-integration of stiff chemistry
Y Wu, Y Gao, T Lu
Combustion and Flame 228, 193-201, 2021
Numerical study of advanced compression ignition and combustion in a gasoline direct injection engine
S Kim, J Kim, A Shah, P Pal, R Scarcelli, T Rockstroh, S Som, Y Wu, T Lu
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 59346, V001T06A013, 2019
Numerical analysis of fuel effects on advanced compression ignition using a virtual cooperative fuel research engine model
KC Kalvakala, P Pal, Y Wu, G Kukkadapu, C Kolodziej, ...
Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference 84034, V001T02A004, 2020
A direct method for calculating turning points of perfectly stirred reactors
Y Wu, T Lu
Combustion and Flame 211, 374-376, 2020
Effects of reaction reversibility on ignition and flame propagation
ZC Cong Li, Yunchao Wu
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 53 (1), 386–401, 2015
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Articles 1–20