Complexity and cryptography: an introduction J Talbot, DJA Welsh Cambridge University Press, 2006 | 260 | 2006 |
Hypergraphs do jump R Baber, J Talbot Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20 (2), 161-171, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
Lagrangians of hypergraphs JM Talbot Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 11 (2), 199-216, 2002 | 77 | 2002 |
Graphs with the Erdős–Ko–Rado property F Holroyd, J Talbot Discrete mathematics 293 (1-3), 165-176, 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
Compression and Erdős–Ko–Rado graphs F Holroyd, C Spencer, J Talbot Discrete mathematics 293 (1-3), 155-164, 2005 | 63 | 2005 |
Intersecting families of separated sets J Talbot Journal of the London Mathematical Society 68 (1), 37-51, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |
New Tur\'an densities for 3-graphs R Baber, J Talbot arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.4287, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
A note on the jumping constant conjecture of Erdős P Frankl, Y Peng, V Rödl, J Talbot Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 97 (2), 204-216, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
A solution to the 2/3 conjecture R Baber, J Talbot SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 28 (2), 756-766, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Vertex Turán problems in the hypercube JR Johnson, J Talbot Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 117 (4), 454-465, 2010 | 28 | 2010 |
A new Bollobás-type inequality and applications to t-intersecting families of sets J Talbot Discrete mathematics 285 (1-3), 349-353, 2004 | 19 | 2004 |
Chromatic Turán problems and a new upper bound for the Turán density of K4− J Talbot European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (8), 2125-2142, 2007 | 18 | 2007 |
The minimal density of triangles in tripartite graphs R Baber, JR Johnson, J Talbot LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 13, 388-413, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Extremal Problems for -Partite and -Colorable Hypergraphs D Mubayi, J Talbot the electronic journal of combinatorics, R26-R26, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Decomposing tournaments into paths A Lo, V Patel, J Skokan, J Talbot Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 121 (2), 426-461, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Polychromatic colorings on the hypercube J Goldwasser, B Lidický, RR Martin, D Offner, J Talbot, M Young arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.05865, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Bloom maps D Talbot, J Talbot 2008 Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and …, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Counting consistent phylogenetic trees is# P-complete M Bordewich, C Semple, J Talbot Advances in Applied Mathematics 33 (2), 416-430, 2004 | 11 | 2004 |
Polychromatic colorings on the integers M Axenovich, J Goldwasser, B Lidický, RR Martin, D Offner, J Talbot, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.00042, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
G-intersection theorems for matchings and other graphs JR Johnson, J Talbot Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 17 (4), 559-575, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |