L. Laiz
L. Laiz
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla. IRNAS-CSIC
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Bacterial and fungal diversity and biodeterioration problems in mural painting environments of St. Martins church (Greene–Kreiensen, Germany)
AA Gorbushina, J Heyrman, T Dornieden, M Gonzalez-Delvalle, ...
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 53 (1), 13-24, 2004
Microbiological study of the dripping waters in Altamira cave (Santillana del Mar, Spain)
L Laiz, I Groth, I Gonzalez, C Saiz-Jimenez
Journal of Microbiological Methods 36 (1), 129-138, 1999
On the origin of fiber calcite crystals in moonmilk deposits
JC Cañaveras, S Cuezva, S Sanchez-Moral, J Lario, L Laiz, JM Gonzalez, ...
Naturwissenschaften 93 (1), 27-32, 2006
Anatase as an alternative application for preventing biodeterioration of mortars: Evaluation and comparison with other biocides
AJ Fonseca, F Pina, MF Macedo, N Leal, A Romanowska-Deskins, L Laiz, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 64 (5), 388-396, 2010
Geomicrobiological study of the Grotta dei Cervi, Porto Badisco, Italy
I Groth, P Schumann, L Laiz, S Sanchez-Moral, JC Canveras, ...
Geomicrobiology Journal 18 (3), 241-258, 2001
Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in caves
V Jurado, L Laiz, V Rodriguez-Nava, P Boiron, B Hermosin, ...
Int J Speleol 39, 15-24, 2010
Biomediated precipitation of calcium carbonate metastable phases in hypogean environments: a short review
S Sanchez-Moral, JC Canaveras, L Laiz, C Saiz-Jimenez, J Bedoya, ...
Geomicrobiology Journal 20 (5), 491-500, 2003
Microbial communities associated with hydromagnesite and needle-fiber aragonite deposits in a karstic cave (Altamira, Northern Spain)
JC Cañaveras, M Hoyos, S Sanchez-Moral, E Sanz-Rubio, J Bedoya, ...
Geomicrobiology Journal 16 (1), 9-25, 1999
Occurrence of halotolerant/halophilic bacterial communities in deteriorated monuments
C Saiz-Jimenez, L Laiz
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 46 (4), 319-326, 2000
Deterioration of building materials in Roman catacombs: The influence of visitors
S Sanchez-Moral, L Luque, S Cuezva, V Soler, D Benavente, L Laiz, ...
Science of the total environment 349 (1), 260-276, 2005
Isolation of five Rubrobacter strains from biodeteriorated monuments
L Laiz, AZ Miller, V Jurado, E Akatova, S Sanchez-Moral, JM Gonzalez, ...
Naturwissenschaften 96 (1), 71-79, 2009
An efficient strategy for screening large cloned libraries of amplified 16S rDNA sequences from complex environmental communities
JM Gonzalez, A Ortiz-Martinez, MA Gonzalez-delValle, L Laiz, ...
Journal of Microbiological Methods 55 (2), 459-463, 2003
Monitoring the colonization of monuments by bacteria: Cultivation versus molecular methods
L Laiz, G Piñar, W Lubitz, C Saiz‐Jimenez
Environmental Microbiology 5 (1), 72-74, 2003
The actinobacterial colonization of Etruscan paintings
M Diaz-Herraiz, V Jurado, S Cuezva, L Laiz, P Pallecchi, P Tiano, ...
Scientific reports 3, 1440, 2013
Aurantimonas altamirensis sp. nov., a member of the order Rhizobiales isolated from Altamira Cave
V Jurado, JM Gonzalez, L Laiz, C Saiz-Jimenez
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 56 (11 …, 2006
The fungal colonisation of rock-art caves: Experimental evidence
V Jurado, A Fernandez-Cortes, S Cuezva, L Laiz, JC Cañaveras, ...
Naturwissenschaften 96 (9), 1027-1034, 2009
Reproducing stone monument photosynthetic-based colonization under laboratory conditions
AZ Miller, L Laiz, JM Gonzalez, A Dionísio, MF Macedo, C Saiz-Jimenez
Science of the total environment 405 (1), 278-285, 2008
Biodeterioration of historic stained glasses from the Cartuja de Miraflores (Spain)
N Carmona, L Laiz, JM Gonzalez, M Garcia-Heras, MA Villegas, ...
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 58 (3), 155-161, 2006
The influence of inherent properties of building limestones on their bioreceptivity to phototrophic microorganisms
AZ Miller, A Dionísio, L Laiz, MF Macedo, C Saiz-Jimenez
Annals of Microbiology 59, 705-713, 2009
Microbiology of the stalactites from Grotta dei Cervi, Porto Badisco, Italy
L Laiz, I Groth, P Schumann, F Zezza, A Felske, B Hermosin, ...
International Microbiology 3 (1), 25-30, 2000
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