Paul Maxwell
Paul Maxwell
Army Cyber Institute
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Cited by
Adversarial machine learning in network intrusion detection systems
E Alhajjar, P Maxwell, ND Bastian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.11898, 2020
Transfer learning for raw network traffic detection
DA Bierbrauer, MJ De Lucia, K Reddy, P Maxwell, ND Bastian
Expert Systems with Applications, 2022
Machine learning raw network traffic detection
MJ De Lucia, PE Maxwell, ND Bastian, A Swami, B Jalaian, N Leslie
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations …, 2021
Artificial Intelligence is the future of warfare (just not in the way you think)
P Maxwell
Modern war institute at west point 20, 2020
Intelligent feature engineering for cybersecurity
P Maxwell, E Alhajjar, ND Bastian
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5005-5011, 2019
A mathematical model of robust military village searches for decision making purposes.
P Maxwell, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, J Potter, JE Smith
IKE, 311-316, 2009
Robust static resource allocation of DAGs in a heterogeneous multicore system
LD Briceņo, J Smith, HJ Siegel, AA Maciejewski, P Maxwell, R Wakefield, ...
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 73 (12), 1705-1717, 2013
Turning remote-controlled military systems into autonomous force multipliers
P Maxwell, D Larkin, C Lowrance
IEEE Potentials 32 (6), 39-43, 2013
Using virtual machines to improve learning and save resources in an introductory IT course
G Stoker, T Arnold, P Maxwell
Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM SIGITE conference on Information …, 2013
Medical robotic and autonomous system technology enablers for the multi-domain battle 2030-2050
NT Fisher, GR Gilbert, K Nightingale
Sat 6, 32pm, 2017
Stockpiling zero-day exploits: the next international weapons taboo
P Maxwell
ICMLG 2017 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and …, 2017
The ISTeC people-animals-robots laboratory: Robust resource allocation
P Maxwell, HJ Siegel, J Potter
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics (SSRR …, 2009
Using Side Channel Information and Artificial Intelligence for Malware Detection
P Maxwell, D Niblick, DC Ruiz
2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer …, 2021
Proposal for the initiation of general and military specific benchmarking of robotic convoys
P Maxwell, J Rykowski, G Hurlock
2013 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA …, 2013
Robust static planning tool for military village search missions: model and heuristics
P Maxwell, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, J Potter, G Pfister, J Smith, ...
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation 10 (1), 31-47, 2013
Robust resource allocation of DAGs in a heterogeneous multicore system
LD Briceno, J Smith, HJ Siegel, AA Maciejewski, P Maxwell, R Wakefield, ...
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Development and first-phase experimental prototype validation of a single-chip hybrid and reconfigurable multiprocessor signal processor system
X Zhao, JR Heath, P Maxwell, A Tan, C Fernando
Thirty-Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, 2004. Proceedings of …, 2004
The unforeseen in unmanned vehicles
P Maxwell, M Nowatkowski
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), 60-65, 2018
A graphical user interface for simulating robust military village searches
R Friese, P Maxwell, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and …, 2011
A demonstration of a simulation tool for planning robust military village searches
P Maxwell, R Friese, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, J Potter, J Smith
Huntsville Simulation Conference (HSC‟ 10), 2010
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Articles 1–20