Mei-Yuit Chan
Mei-Yuit Chan
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Discourse particles in Malaysian English: What do they mean?
LC Tay, MY Chan, NT Yap, BE Wong
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde/Journal of the Humanities and …, 2016
The oral case presentation: toward a performance-based rhetorical model for teaching and learning
MY Chan
Medical Education Online 20 (1), 28565, 2015
A genre-based investigation of the introduction sections of academic oral presentations
KKM Singh, AM Ali, MY Chan, H Tan
Asian Journal of University Education 15 (2), 94-124, 2019
Regularities and Irregularities in Rhetorical Move Structure of Linguistics Abstracts in Research Articles.
D Khansari, CS Heng, CM Yuit, H Tan
3L: Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 22 (1), 2016
Effectiveness of Morphemic Analysis of Graeco-Latin Word Parts as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy among ESL Learners
N Paiman, NT Yap, MY Chan
3L; Language, Linguistics, Literature, The Southeast Asian Journal of …, 2015
Metaphor and the Representations of Health and Illness among the Semai Indigenous Community in Malaysia.
LS Lendik, MY Chan, S Renganathan, NT Yap
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 17 (4), 2017
Review of studies on corporate annual reports during 1990-2012
A Mobasher, AM Ali, FS Abdullah, CM Yuit
International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 2 (2 …, 2013
Encouraging participation in public discourse through online writing in ESL instruction
MY Chan, NT Yap
3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 16 (2), 115 - 139, 2010
English language communication training needs of front office assistants of hotels in Kuala Lumpur
MY Chan
Readings in English Language Teaching (ELT): Selected Papers from the …, 2002
English Language Communication Training Needs of Front Office Assistants of Hotels in Kuala Lumpur
MY Chan
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1998
English Language Communication Training Needs of Front Office Assistants of Hotels in Kuala Lumpur
MY Chan
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 1998
Scripted communication for service standardisation? What analysis of conversation can tell us about the fast-food service encounter
MY Chan, U Chandra-Sagaran
Discourse & Communication 13 (1), 3-25, 2019
Learning Culture of Iranian and Chinese-Malaysian Undergraduate Students
P Omidvar, MY Chan, NT Yap, J Bolong
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 20 (3), 865 - 880, 2012
Self and desired partner descriptions in the online romance scam: A linguistic analysis of scammer and general user profiles on online dating portals
KF Lee, MY Chan, A Mohamad Ali
Crime Prevention and Community Safety 25 (1), 20-46, 2023
A framework for an online forum for a writing course
MY Chan, NT Yap
ICT e-Journal, 1 (1), Article 4, 2008
A framework for an online forum for a writing course.
MY Chan, NT Yap
Journal ICT 1 (1), 1-8, 2008
The complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) product information brochure: how is generic structure used to persuade potential users?
CF Goh, MY Chan, AM Ali, SM Rashid
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies 19 (4), 219, 2019
Production errors and interlanguage development patterns of L1 Malay ESL learners in the acquisition of the English passive
M Mahdun, MY Chan, NT Yap, ZM Kasim, BE Wong
Issues in Language Studies 11 (1), 74-90, 2022
Identification of Nigerian English idioms: A methodological perspective
UA Muhammad, NT Yap, MY Chan, BE Wong
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 34 (4), 279-288, 2016
An acoustic analysis of English vowels produced by Nigerian and Malaysian ESL speakers
H Bello, NT Yap, MY Chan, V Nimehchisalem
Journal of Language and Communication 7 (1), 1-15, 2020
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Articles 1–20