Rainer Detsch
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Cited by
Fabrication of alginate–gelatin crosslinked hydrogel microcapsules and evaluation of the microstructure and physico-chemical properties
B Sarker, DG Papageorgiou, R Silva, T Zehnder, F Gul-E-Noor, M Bertmer, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2 (11), 1470-1482, 2014
A novel antibacterial titania coating: Metal ion toxicity and in vitro surface colonization
F Heidenau, W Mittelmeier, R Detsch, M Haenle, F Stenzel, G Ziegler, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 16, 883-888, 2005
Evaluation of fibroblasts adhesion and proliferation on alginate-gelatin crosslinked hydrogel
B Sarker, R Singh, R Silva, JA Roether, J Kaschta, R Detsch, ...
PloS one 9 (9), e107952, 2014
Formation of osteoclast-like cells on HA and TCP ceramics
R Detsch, H Mayr, G Ziegler
Acta biomaterialia 4 (1), 139-148, 2008
In vitro -Osteoclastic Activity Studies on Surfaces of 3D Printed Calcium Phosphate Scaffolds
R Detsch, S Schaefer, U Deisinger, G Ziegler, H Seitz, B Leukers
Journal of biomaterials applications 26 (3), 359-380, 2011
Alginate-based hydrogels with improved adhesive properties for cell encapsulation
B Sarker, J Rompf, R Silva, N Lang, R Detsch, J Kaschta, B Fabry, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 78, 72-78, 2015
Additive manufacturing of bioactive glasses and silicate bioceramics
R Gmeiner, U Deisinger, J Schönherr, B Lechner, R Detsch, ...
J. Ceram. Sci. Technol 6 (2), 75-86, 2015
The role of osteoclasts in bone tissue engineering
R Detsch, AR Boccaccini
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 9 (10), 1133-1149, 2015
Evaluation of an alginate–gelatine crosslinked hydrogel for bioplotting
T Zehnder, B Sarker, AR Boccaccini, R Detsch
Biofabrication 7 (2), 025001, 2015
The chemical composition of synthetic bone substitutes influences tissue reactions in vivo: histological and histomorphometrical analysis of the cellular inflammatory response …
S Ghanaati, M Barbeck, R Detsch, U Deisinger, U Hilbig, V Rausch, ...
Biomedical materials 7 (1), 015005, 2012
Bioactive glass (type 45S5) nanoparticles: in vitro reactivity on nanoscale and biocompatibility
M Mačković, A Hoppe, R Detsch, D Mohn, WJ Stark, E Spiecker, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14, 1-22, 2012
Behavior of encapsulated MG-63 cells in RGD and gelatine-modified alginate hydrogels
A Grigore, B Sarker, B Fabry, AR Boccaccini, R Detsch
Tissue Engineering Part A 20 (15-16), 2140-2150, 2014
In vitro and in vivo Biocompatibility of Alginate Dialdehyde/Gelatin Hydrogels with and without Nanoscaled Bioactive Glass for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications
U Rottensteiner, B Sarker, D Heusinger, D Dafinova, SN Rath, JP Beier, ...
Materials 7 (3), 1957-1974, 2014
Designing porous bone tissue engineering scaffolds with enhanced mechanical properties from composite hydrogels composed of modified alginate, gelatin, and bioactive glass
B Sarker, W Li, K Zheng, R Detsch, AR Boccaccini
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2 (12), 2240-2254, 2016
3D printing of piezoelectric barium titanate-hydroxyapatite scaffolds with interconnected porosity for bone tissue engineering
C Polley, T Distler, R Detsch, H Lund, A Springer, AR Boccaccini, H Seitz
Materials 13 (7), 1773, 2020
Hyaluronic acid‐based bioink composition enabling 3D bioprinting and improving quality of deposited cartilaginous extracellular matrix
J Hauptstein, T Böck, M Bartolf‐Kopp, L Forster, P Stahlhut, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 9 (15), 2000737, 2020
Polymer-bioactive glass composite filaments for 3D scaffold manufacturing by fused deposition modeling: fabrication and characterization
T Distler, N Fournier, A Grünewald, C Polley, H Seitz, R Detsch, ...
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 8, 552, 2020
Recycling of pre-stabilized municipal waste incinerator fly ash and soda-lime glass into sintered glass-ceramics
I Ponsot, E Bernardo, E Bontempi, L Depero, R Detsch, RK Chinnam, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 89, 224-230, 2015
Evaluation of electrospun poly (ε-caprolactone)/gelatin nanofiber mats containing clove essential oil for antibacterial wound dressing
I Unalan, SJ Endlein, B Slavik, A Buettner, WH Goldmann, R Detsch, ...
Pharmaceutics 11 (11), 570, 2019
Improving alginate printability for biofabrication: establishment of a universal and homogeneous pre-crosslinking technique
J Hazur, R Detsch, E Karakaya, J Kaschta, J Teßmar, D Schneidereit, ...
Biofabrication 12 (4), 045004, 2020
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Articles 1–20