Anastasia Funkner
Anastasia Funkner
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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Cited by
Simulation of patient flow in multiple healthcare units using process and data mining techniques for model identification
SV Kovalchuk, AA Funkner, OG Metsker, AN Yakovlev
Journal of biomedical informatics 82, 128-142, 2018
Data-driven modeling of clinical pathways using electronic health records
AA Funkner, AN Yakovlev, SV Kovalchuk
Procedia computer science 121, 835-842, 2017
Towards evolutionary discovery of typical clinical pathways in electronic health records
AA Funkner, AN Yakovlev, SV Kovalchuk
Procedia computer science 119, 234-244, 2017
Pattern-based mining in electronic health records for complex clinical process analysis
O Metsker, E Bolgova, A Yakovlev, A Funkner, S Kovalchuk
Procedia computer science 119, 197-206, 2017
A conceptual approach to complex model management with generalized modelling patterns and evolutionary identification
SV Kovalchuk, OG Metsker, AA Funkner, IO Kisliakovskii, NO Nikitin, ...
Complexity 2018 (1), 5870987, 2018
Automated Spelling Correction for Clinical Text Mining in Russian
K Balabaeva, A Funkner, S Kovalchuk
Medical Informatics Europe 2020 270, 43—47, 2020
Forecasting purchase categories with transition graphs using financial and social data
D Vaganov, A Funkner, S Kovalchuk, V Guleva, K Bochenina
Social Informatics: 10th International Conference, SocInfo 2018, St …, 2018
Citywide quality of health information system through text mining of electronic health records
AA Funkner, MP Egorov, SA Fokin, GM Orlov, SV Kovalchuk
Applied Network Science 6 (1), 53, 2021
Negation Detection for Clinical Text Mining in Russian
A Funkner, K Balabaeva, S Kovalchuk
Medical Informatics Europe 2020 270, 342—346, 2020
Holistic modeling of chronic diseases for recommendation elaboration and decision making
MA Balakhontceva, AA Funkner, AA Semakova, OG Metsker, NE Zvartau, ...
Procedia computer science 138, 228-237, 2018
An unsupervised approach to structuring and analyzing repetitive semantic structures in free text of electronic medical records
V Koshman, A Funkner, S Kovalchuk
Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (1), 25, 2022
Graph-based predictive modelling of chronic disease development: type 2 DM case study
I Derevitskii, A Funkner, O Metsker, S Kovalchuk
pHealth 2019, 150-155, 2019
Time expressions identification without human-labeled corpus for clinical text mining in russian
AA Funkner, SV Kovalchuk
Computational Science–ICCS 2020: 20th International Conference, Amsterdam …, 2020
Personalized assistance for patients with chronic diseases through multi-level distributed healthcare process assessment
L Elkhovskaya, M Kabyshev, A Funkner, M Balakhontceva, V Fonin, ...
pHealth 2019, 309-312, 2019
Surrogate-assisted performance prediction for data-driven knowledge discovery algorithms: Application to evolutionary modeling of clinical pathways
AA Funkner, AN Yakovlev, SV Kovalchuk
Journal of Computational Science 59, 101562, 2022
Preoperational Time Prediction for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Using Machine Learning Techniques
A Funkner, S Kovalchuk, K Bochenina
Procedia Computer Science 101, 172-176, 2016
Geographical topic modelling on spatial social network data
AA Funkner, LO Elkhovskaya, ID Lenivtceva, MP Egorov, AD Kshenin, ...
Procedia Computer Science 193, 22-31, 2021
Towards Modeling of Information Processing within Business-Processes of Service-Providing Organizations
SV Kovalchuk, AA Funkner, KY Balabaeva, IV Derevitskii, VV Fonin, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2020: 20th International Conference, Amsterdam …, 2020
Motif identification in vital signs of chronic patients
AA Funkner, NE Zvartau, SV Kovalchuk
Procedia Computer Science 156, 105-113, 2019
Extraction of temporal structures for clinical events in unlabeled free-text electronic health records in russian
AA Funkner, DA Zhurman, SV Kovalchuk
Applying the FAIR Principles to Accelerate Health Research in Europe in the …, 2021
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Articles 1–20