The SQO-OSS quality model: measurement based open source software evaluation I Samoladas, G Gousios, D Spinellis, I Stamelos Open Source Development, Communities and Quality: IFIP 20 th World Computer …, 2008 | 235 | 2008 |
Open source software development should strive for even greater code maintainability I Samoladas, I Stamelos, L Angelis, A Oikonomou Communications of the ACM 47 (10), 83-87, 2004 | 152 | 2004 |
Evaluating the quality of open source software D Spinellis, G Gousios, V Karakoidas, P Louridas, PJ Adams, ... Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 233, 5-28, 2009 | 123 | 2009 |
Survival analysis on the duration of open source projects I Samoladas, L Angelis, I Stamelos Information and Software Technology 52 (9), 902-922, 2010 | 115 | 2010 |
Dynamical simulation models of the open source development process IP Antoniades, I Samoladas, I Stamelos, L Angelis, GL Bleris Free/open source software development, 174-202, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Emerging free and open source software practices SK Sowe, IG Stamelos, I Samoladas IGI Global, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Assessing free/open source software quality I Samoladas, I Stamelos University of Informatics Greece, 1-36, 2003 | 26 | 2003 |
Exploring the quality of free/open source software: a case study on an ERP/CRM system I Samoladas, S Bibi, I Stamelos, GL Bleris 9th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003 | 17 | 2003 |
Are FLOSS developers committing to CVS/SVN as much as they are talking in mailing lists? Challenges for Integrating data from Multiple Repositories SK Sowe, I Samoladas, I Stamelos, L Angelis 3rd International Workshop on Public Data about Software Development …, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
The SQOOSS Quality Model: Measurement-Based Open Source Software Evaluation D Spinellis, G Gousios, I Samoladas Open Source Development, Communities and Quality: IFIP 20th World Computer …, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
A preliminary analysis of publicly available FLOSS measurements: Towards discovering maintainability trends I Samoladas, S Bibi, I Stamelos, S Sowe, I Deligiannis 2nd Workshop on Public Data about Software Development (WoPDaSD 2007), 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Open Source Database Management Systems SK Sowe, I Samoladas, I Stamelos Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, 457-462, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Study of available tools I Antoniades, I Samoladas, SK Sowe, G Robles, S Koch, K Fraczek, ... EU Framework deliverable, FLOSSMetrics Consortium, 2008 | 1 | 2008 |
ASPIS: An automated information system for certification and analysis of examination process G Katsikis, N Mengoudis, A Nanopoulos, I Samoladas, I Stamelos Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, 513-522, 2005 | | 2005 |
Open Source Software Development Should Strive For Even Greater Code Maintainability A study of almost six million lines of code tracks how freely accessible source code holds … I Samoladas, I Stamelos, L Angelis, A Oikonomou | | |
An advanced system for automated certification I Samoladas, A Nanopoulos, A Karoulis, I Stamelos, Y Manolopoulos | | |