Johannes Brug
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Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among children and adolescents: a review of the literature. Part I: quantitative studies
M Rasmussen, R Krølner, KI Klepp, L Lytle, J Brug, E Bere, P Due
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 3, 1-19, 2006
Environmental correlates of physical activity in youth–a review and update
I Ferreira, K Van Der Horst, W Wendel‐Vos, S Kremers, FJ Van Lenthe, ...
Obesity reviews 8 (2), 129-154, 2007
Systematic review of studies on compliance with hand hygiene guidelines in hospital care.
BEF Erasmus V, Daha TJ, Brug H, Richardus JH, Behrendt MD, Vos MC
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 31 (3), 283-294, 2010
A systematic review of environmental correlates of obesity-related dietary behaviors in youth
K Van der Horst, A Oenema, I Ferreira, W Wendel-Vos, K Giskes, ...
Health education research 22 (2), 203-226, 2007
Prevalence of depression in cancer patients: a meta‐analysis of diagnostic interviews and self‐report instruments
AMH Krebber, LM Buffart, G Kleijn, IC Riepma, R De Bree, CR Leemans, ...
Psycho‐Oncology 23 (2), 121-130, 2014
Potential environmental determinants of physical activity in adults: a systematic review
W Wendel‐Vos, M Droomers, S Kremers, J Brug, F Van Lenthe
Obesity reviews 8 (5), 425-440, 2007
Early‐life determinants of overweight and obesity: a review of systematic reviews
L Monasta, GD Batty, A Cattaneo, V Lutje, L Ronfani, FJ Van Lenthe, ...
Obesity reviews 11 (10), 695-708, 2010
Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators
PJ Teixeira, EV Carraça, MM Marques, H Rutter, JM Oppert, ...
BMC medicine 13, 1-16, 2015
A systematic review of randomized trials on the effectiveness of computer-tailored education on physical activity and dietary behaviors
W Kroeze, A Werkman, J Brug
Annals of behavioral medicine 31 (3), 205-223, 2006
Apps to promote physical activity among adults: a review and content analysis
A Middelweerd, JS Mollee, CN van der Wal, J Brug, SJ Te Velde
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 11, 1-9, 2014
Determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among 6–12‐year‐old children and effective interventions to increase consumption
L Blanchette, J Brug
Journal of human nutrition and dietetics 18 (6), 431-443, 2005
Environmental influences on energy balance-related behaviors: a dual-process view
SPJ Kremers, GJ De Bruijn, TLS Visscher, W Van Mechelen, NK De Vries, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 3, 1-10, 2006
SARS risk perception, knowledge, precautions, and information sources, the Netherlands
J Brug, AR Aro, A Oenema, O De Zwart, JH Richardus, GD Bishop
Emerging infectious diseases 10 (8), 1486, 2004
Parenting style and adolescent fruit consumption
SPJ Kremers, J Brug, H De Vries, RCME Engels
Appetite 41 (1), 43-50, 2003
A systematic review of environmental factors and obesogenic dietary intakes among adults: are we getting closer to understanding obesogenic environments?
K Giskes, F van Lenthe, M Avendano‐Pabon, J Brug
Obesity reviews 12 (5), e95-e106, 2011
Socioeconomic inequalities in occupational, leisure-time, and transport related physical activity among European adults: a systematic review
MA Beenackers, CBM Kamphuis, K Giskes, J Brug, AE Kunst, A Burdorf, ...
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 9, 1-23, 2012
Effects and moderators of exercise on quality of life and physical function in patients with cancer: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 34 RCTs
LM Buffart, J Kalter, MG Sweegers, KS Courneya, RU Newton, ...
Cancer treatment reviews 52, 91-104, 2017
Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adolescents: systematic review of published and ‘grey’literature
E Van Cauwenberghe, L Maes, H Spittaels, FJ van Lenthe, J Brug, ...
British journal of nutrition 103 (6), 781-797, 2010
Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults
NH Phelps, RK Singleton, B Zhou, RA Heap, A Mishra, JE Bennett, ...
The Lancet 403 (10431), 1027-1050, 2024
Theory, evidence and Intervention Mapping to improve behavior nutrition and physical activity interventions
J Brug, A Oenema, I Ferreira
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2, 1-7, 2005
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Articles 1–20