Shixiong Zhang
Shixiong Zhang
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Direct correlation of structural domain formation with the metal insulator transition in a VO2 nanobeam
SX Zhang, JY Chou, LJ Lauhon
Nano letters 9 (12), 4527-4532, 2009
Niobium doped : Intrinsic transparent metallic anatase versus highly resistive rutile phase
SX Zhang, DC Kundaliya, W Yu, S Dhar, SY Young, LG Salamanca-Riba, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (1), 013701, 2007
Nanowire heterostructures
JK Hyun, SX Zhang, LJ Lauhon
Annual Review of Materials Research 43, 451-479, 2013
Stoichiometry engineering of monoclinic to rutile phase transition in suspended single crystalline vanadium dioxide nanobeams
SX Zhang, IS Kim, LJ Lauhon
Nano letters 11 (4), 1443-1447, 2011
Relative influence of surface states and bulk impurities on the electrical properties of Ge nanowires
SX Zhang, ER Hemesath, DE Perea, E Wijaya, JL Lensch-Falk, ...
Nano letters 9 (9), 3268-3274, 2009
Magneto-resistance up to 60 Tesla in topological insulator Bi< inf> 2</inf> Te< inf> 3</inf> thin films
SX Zhang, RD McDonald, A Shekhter, ZX Bi, Y Li, QX Jia, ST Picraux
Applied Physics Letters 101 (20), 202403-202403-4, 2012
Electronic Manifestation of Cation‐Vacancy‐Induced Magnetic Moments in a Transparent Oxide Semiconductor: Anatase Nb: TiO2
SX Zhang, SB Ogale, W Yu, X Gao, T Liu, S Ghosh, GP Das, ATS Wee, ...
Advanced Materials 21 (22), 2282-2287, 2009
Enhanced weak ferromagnetism and conductivity in hole-doped pyrochlore iridate
WK Zhu, M Wang, B Seradjeh, F Yang, SX Zhang
Physical Review B 90 (5), 054419, 2014
Single crystalline nanostructures of topological crystalline insulator SnTe with distinct facets and morphologies
Z Li, S Shao, N Li, K McCall, J Wang, SX Zhang
Nano letters 13 (11), 5443-5448, 2013
Frequency-and electric-field-dependent conductivity of single-walled carbon nanotube networks of varying density
H Xu, S Zhang, SM Anlage, L Hu, G Grüner
Physical Review B 77 (7), 075418, 2008
p-Type transition-metal doping of large-area MoS 2 thin films grown by chemical vapor deposition
EZ Xu, HM Liu, K Park, Z Li, Y Losovyj, M Starr, M Werbianskyj, HA Fertig, ...
Nanoscale 9 (10), 3576-3584, 2017
Growth parameter-property phase diagram for pulsed laser deposited transparent oxide conductor anatase
SX Zhang, S Dhar, W Yu, H Xu, SB Ogale, T Venkatesan
Applied Physics Letters 91 (11), 112113, 2007
Strong ferromagnetism induced by canted antiferromagnetic order in double perovskite iridates
WK Zhu, CK Lu, W Tong, JM Wang, HD Zhou, SX Zhang
Physical Review B 91 (14), 144408, 2015
Synthesis of superparamagnetic nanotubes as MRI contrast agents and for cell labeling
X Bai, SJ Son, S Zhang, W Liu, EK Jordan, JA Frank, T Venkatesan, ...
Nanomedicine 3 (2), 163-174, 2008
Diameter dependent thermoelectric properties of individual SnTe nanowires
EZ Xu, Z Li, JA Martinez, N Sinitsyn, H Htoon, N Li, B Swartzentruber, ...
Nanoscale 7 (7), 2869-2876, 2015
Near Degeneracy of Magnetic Phases in Two-Dimensional Chromium Telluride with Enhanced Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy
AL Coughlin, D Xie, Y Yao, X Zhan, Q Chen, H Hewa-Walpitage, X Zhang, ...
ACS nano 14 (11), 15256-15266, 2020
Epitaxial thin films of topological insulator Bi< sub> 2</sub> Te< sub> 3</sub> with two-dimensional weak anti-localization effect grown by pulsed laser deposition
SX Zhang, L Yan, J Qi, M Zhuo, YQ Wang, RP Prasankumar, QX Jia, ...
Thin Solid Films, 2012
Magnetism and anomalous Hall effect in
SX Zhang, W Yu, SB Ogale, SR Shinde, DC Kundaliya, WK Tse, ...
Physical Review B 76 (8), 085323, 2007
Epitaxial thin films of pyrochlore iridate Bi_ {2+ x} Ir_ {2-y} O_ {7-delta}: structure, defects and transport properties
W Yang, Y Xie, W Zhu, K Park, A Chen, Y Losovyj, Z Li, H Liu, M Starr, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 7740, 2017
Direct Detection of Hole Gas in Ge− Si Core− Shell Nanowires by Enhanced Raman Scattering
S Zhang, FJ Lopez, JK Hyun, LJ Lauhon
Nano letters 10 (11), 4483-4487, 2010
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Articles 1–20