Dr. Imran Ahmad
Dr. Imran Ahmad
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Incidence of circulating antinuclear antibodies in cancer patients
FNMT Imran
Indian Journal of Med.Sci 57 (3), 113-116, 2003
Hemisoleus muscle flap in the reconstruction of exposed bones in the lower limb
I Ahmad, S Akhtar, E Rashidi, MF Khurram
Journal of wound care 22 (11), 635-642, 2013
Changes in sleep architecture after burn injury:‘Waking up’to this unaddressed aspect of postburn rehabilitation in the developing world
Z Masoodi, I Ahmad, F Khurram, A Haq
Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery 21 (4), 234-238, 2013
Burn injury in epileptic patients- An experience in a tertiary institute
HA Akhtar M.S.,* Ahmad I., Khan A.H., FahudKhurram M.
Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters 27 (3), 126-129, 2014
Epidemiology and outcome of chemical burn patients admitted in Burn Unit of JNMC Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India: a 5-year experience
MS Akhtar, I Ahmad, MF Khurram, S Kanungo
Journal of family medicine and primary care 4 (1), 106-109, 2015
Inferiorly based thigh flap for reconstruction of defects around the knee joint
IA Md. Sohaib Akhtar, Arshad Hafeez Khan, Mohammed Fahud Khurram
Indian journal of Plastic Surgery 47 (2), 221-226, 2014
Wide Surgical Excision with Split Rib Graft Reconstruction of Mandible for Amelo blastoma; Our 10 Year Experience
RC Imran Ahmad
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 65 (1), 40-43, 2013
Aspects of sexual life in patients after burn: the most neglected part of postburn rehabilitation in the developing world
I Ahmad, Z Masoodi, S Akhter, F Khurram
Journal of Burn Care & Research 34 (6), e333-e341, 2013
Computational Proteome-Wide Study for the Prediction of Escherichia coli Protein Targeting in Host Cell Organelles and Their Implication in Development of Colon …
S Khan, S Zaidi, AS Alouffi, I Hassan, A Imran, RA Khan
ACS omega 5 (13), 7254-7261, 2020
Myelopathy following high voltage electrical injury: a case report
LM Bariar, I Ahmad, A Aggarwal, RK Menon
Burns 28 (7), 699-700, 2002
Use of vein conduit and isolated nerve graft in peripheral nerve repair: A comparative study
I Ahmad, M Akhtar
Plastic surgery international, 7, 2014
Excision, skin grafting, corticosteroids, adjuvant radiotherapy, pressure therapy, and emancipation: the ESCAPE model for successful taming of giant auricular keloids
Z Masoodi, I Ahmad, MF Khurram, A Haq
Advances in skin & wound care 27 (9), 404-412, 2014
Superior gluteal artery perforator flap: A reliable method for sacral pressure ulcer reconstruction
MF Khurram, K AH, I Ahmad, M Nanda, Z Masoodi
Journal of wound care 22 (12), 699-703, 2013
Burn injury associated with comorbidities: Impact on the outcome
MS Akhtar, I Ahmad, AH Khan, FM Khurram, A Haq, R Basari
Indian Journal of Burns 22 (1), 51-55, 2014
An evaluation of different bridging techniques for short nerve gaps
I Ahmad, MA Mir, AH Khan
Annals of plastic surgery 79 (5), 482-485, 2017
Pregnancy in burns: Maternal and fetal outcome
Z Masoodi, I Ahmad, F Khurram, A Haq
Indian journal of Burns 20 (1), 36-41, 2012
The common systemic and local adverse effects of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine: an observational study from Pakistan
HK Chohan, A Jamal, M Mubeen, MU Khan, M Junaid, MK Chohan, ...
Cureus 15 (5), 2023
Electrical burns in children: An experience
I Ahmad, S Akhtar, E Rashidi, MF Khurram, R Basari
Indian Journal of Burns 20 (1), 30-35, 2012
Review of 400 cases of burns at Aligarh
LM Bariar, I Ahmad, R Hazra, U Goyal
Indian Journal of Burns 6 (1), 35-40, 1998
Soft Tissue Reconstruction of Foot and Ankle Defects: Free Vs Pedicled Flaps with the Use of 6 Different Flaps in 50 Cases of Road Traffic accidents.
AINM Khurram MF*
Austin J. Surgery 1 (7), 1-6, 2014
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