Philipp Brauner
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Reducing Complexity with Simplicity-Usability Methods for Industry 4.0
A Calero Valdez, P Brauner, AK Schaar, A Holzinger, M Zielfe
Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomic Association, 2015
A computer science perspective on digital transformation in production
P Brauner, M Dalibor, M Jarke, I Kunze, I Koren, G Lakemeyer, ...
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 3 (2), 1-32, 2022
Increase physical fitness and create health awareness through exergames and gamification: The role of individual factors, motivation and acceptance
P Brauner, A Calero Valdez, U Schroeder, M Ziefle
Human Factors in Computing and Informatics: First International Conference …, 2013
From boring to scoring–a collaborative serious game for learning and practicing mathematical logic for computer science education
A Schäfer, J Holz, T Leonhardt, U Schroeder, P Brauner, M Ziefle
Computer Science Education 23 (2), 87-111, 2013
A step in the right direction–understanding privacy concerns and perceived sensitivity of fitness trackers
C Lidynia, P Brauner, M Ziefle
Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design …, 2018
What does the public think about artificial intelligence?—A criticality map to understand bias in the public perception of AI
P Brauner, A Hick, R Philipsen, M Ziefle
Frontiers in Computer Science 5, 1113903, 2023
The effect of tangible artifacts, gender and subjective technical competence on teaching programming to seventh graders
P Brauner, T Leonhardt, M Ziefle, U Schroeder
Teaching Fundamentals Concepts of Informatics: 4th International Conference …, 2010
Beyond playful learning–Serious games for the human-centric digital transformation of production and a design process model
P Brauner, M Ziefle
Technology in Society 71, 102140, 2022
Human factors in supply chain management: Decision making in complex logistic scenarios
P Brauner, S Runge, M Groten, G Schuh, M Ziefle
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and …, 2013
What happens when decision support systems fail?—the importance of usability on performance in erroneous systems
P Brauner, R Philipsen, A Calero Valdez, M Ziefle
Behaviour & Information Technology 38 (12), 1225-1242, 2019
Human factors in production systems
P Brauner, M Ziefle
Advances in production technology 30, 187-199, 2015
On the visual design of erp systems the–role of information complexity, presentation and human factors
V Mittelstädt, P Brauner, M Blum, M Ziefle
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 448-455, 2015
Age, gender, and technology attitude as factors for acceptance of smart interactive textiles in home environments
P Brauner, J van Heek, M Ziefle
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on information and …, 2017
A game-based approach to understand human factors in supply chains and quality management
S Stiller, B Falk, R Philipsen, P Brauner, R Schmitt, M Ziefle
Procedia CIRP 20, 67-73, 2014
Gender influences on school students' mental models of computer science: a quantitative rich picture analysis with sixth graders
P Brauner, M Ziefle, U Schroeder, T Leonhardt, N Bergner, B Ziegler
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Gender & IT, 113-122, 2018
Serious games for cognitive training in ambient assisted living environments–a technology acceptance perspective
J Wittland, P Brauner, M Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2015: 15th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2015
Human digital shadow: data-based modeling of users and usage in the internet of production
A Mertens, S Pütz, P Brauner, F Brillowski, N Buczak, H Dammers, ...
2021 14th international conference on human system interaction (HSI), 1-8, 2021
Serious motion-based exercise games for older adults: evaluation of usability, performance, and pain mitigation
P Brauner, M Ziefle
JMIR serious games 8 (2), e14182, 2020
Interactive FUrniTURE: evaluation of smart interactive textile interfaces for home environments
P Brauner, J van Heek, M Ziefle, NA Hamdan, J Borchers
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM international conference on interactive surfaces …, 2017
How context and design shape human-robot trust and attributions
H Biermann, P Brauner, M Ziefle
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 12 (1), 74-86, 2020
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Articles 1–20