David R. Edds
David R. Edds
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене emporia.edu
Effects of lowhead dams on riffle-dwelling fishes and macroinvertebrates in a midwestern river
JS Tiemann, DP Gillette, ML Wildhaber, DR Edds
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (3), 705-717, 2004
Fish assemblage structure and environmental correlates in Nepal's Gandaki River
DR Edds
Copeia, 48-60, 1993
Spatiotemporal patterns of fish assemblage structure in a river impounded by low-head dams
DP Gillette, JS Tiemann, DR Edds, ML Wildhaber
Copeia 2005 (3), 539-549, 2005
Current status of native fish species in Kansas
SG Haslouer, ME Eberle, DR Edds, KB Gido, CS Mammoliti, JR Triplett, ...
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 108 (1), 32-46, 2005
Resource use by large catfishes in a reservoir: is there evidence for interactive segregation and innate differences?
DR Edds, WJ Matthews, FP Gelwick
Journal of Fish Biology 60 (3), 739-750, 2002
Habitat partitioning among three sympatric species of map turtles, genus Graptemys
L Fuselier, D Edds
Journal of Herpetology, 154-158, 1994
Population structure of four pupfish species (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodon) from the Chihuahuan Desert region of New Mexico and Texas: allozymic variation
AA Echelle, AF Echelle, DR Edds
Copeia, 668-681, 1987
Effects of lowhead dams on freshwater mussels in the Neosho River, Kansas
J Dean, D Edds, D Gillette, J Howard, S Sherraden, J Tiemann
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 105 (3), 232-240, 2002
Spatial pattern and environmental correlates of a midwestern stream fish community: including spatial autocorrelation as a factor in community analyses
CD Wilkinson, DR Edds
The American Midland Naturalist 146 (2), 271-289, 2001
Habitat use by a Midwestern USA riverine fish assemblage: effects of season, water temperature and river discharge
DP Gillette, JS Tiemann, DR Edds, ML Wildhaber
Journal of Fish Biology 68 (5), 1494-1512, 2006
Trophic ecology of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in a freshwater reservoir (Lake Texoma, U.S.A.)
WJ Matthews, LG Hill, DR Edds, JJ Hoover, TG Heger
Journal of Fish Biology 33 (2), 273-288, 1988
Influence of water quality and season on habitat use by striped bass in a large southwestern reservoir
WJ Matthews, LG Hill, DR Edds, FP Gelwick
Transactions of the American Fisheries society 118 (3), 243-250, 1989
Seasonal variation in habitat use by the Neosho madtom (Teleostei: Ictaluridae: Noturus placidus)
L Fuselier, D Edds
The Southwestern Naturalist, 217-223, 1994
Conservation genetics of a spring‐dwelling desert fish, the Pecos Gambusia (Gambusia nobilis, Poeciliidae)
AF Echelle, AA Echelle, DR Edds
Conservation Biology 3 (2), 159-169, 1989
Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Verdigris, Neosho, and Spring River basins of Kansas and Missouri, with emphasis on species of concern
BK Obermeyer, DR Edds, CW Prophet, EJ Miller
American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1), 41-55, 1997
Effects of lowhead dams on the ephemeropterans, plecopterans, and trichopterans group in a North American river
JS Tiemann, DP Gillette, ML Wildhaber, DR Edds
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20 (3), 519-525, 2005
Genetic comparisons of hatchery and natural stocks of small endangered fishes: Leon Springs pupfish, Comanche Springs pupfish, and Pecos gambusia
DR Edds, AA Echelle
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 118 (4), 441-446, 1989
Management Briefs: An Artificial Riffle as Restored Habitat for the Threatened Neosho Madtom
L Fuselier, D Edds
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 15 (2), 499-503, 1995
Fishes of the Kali Gandaki/Narayani River, Nepal
DR Edds
Journal of the Nepal Natural History Museum 10 (14), 13-22, 1986
Evolutionary genetics of the endemic schizorathicine (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) fishes of Lake Rara, Nepal
WW Dimmick, DR Edds
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30 (10), 919-929, 2002
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