Dean Crnković
Dean Crnković
Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka, Croatia
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Construction of block designs admitting an abelian automorphism group
D Crnkovi─ ç, S Rukavina
METRIKA-WURZBURG- 62 (2-3), 175, 2005
Self-orthogonal codes from the strongly regular graphs on up to 40 vertices.
D Crnkovic, M Maksimovic, BG Rodrigues, S Rukavina
Adv. Math. Commun. 10 (3), 555-582, 2016
On some transitive combinatorial structures constructed from the unitary group U (3, 3)
D Crnković, VM Crnković, A Švob
Journal of statistical planning and inference 144, 19-40, 2014
Unitals, projective planes and other combinatorial structures constructed from the unitary groups U (3, q), q= 3, 4, 5, 7.
D Crnkovic, VM Crnkovic
Ars Comb. 110, 3-13, 2013
Symmetric (70, 24, 8) designs having Frob21× Z2 as an automorphism group
D Crnković
Glasnik matematički 34 (2), 109-122, 1999
Walk-regular divisible design graphs
D Crnković, WH Haemers
Designs, codes and cryptography 72, 165-175, 2014
A series of regular Hadamard matrices
D Crnković
Designs, codes and cryptography 39, 247-251, 2006
Some new symmetric designs with parameters (64, 28, 12)
D Crnković, MO Pavčević
Discrete mathematics 237 (1-3), 109-118, 2001
LCD codes from weighing matrices
D Crnković, R Egan, BG Rodrigues, A Švob
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 32 (2), 175-189, 2021
Self-orthogonal codes from equitable partitions of association schemes
D Crnković, S Rukavina, A Švob
Journal of algebraic combinatorics, 1-15, 2022
Designs, strongly regular graphs and codes constructed from some primitive groups
D Crnković, V Mikulić Crnković, BG Rodrigues
Information Security, Coding Theory and Related Combinatorics, 231-252, 2011
Constructing self-orthogonal and Hermitian self-orthogonal codes via weighing matrices and orbit matrices
D Crnković, R Egan, A Švob
Finite fields and their applications 55, 64-77, 2019
New strongly regular graphs from orthogonal groups O+ (6, 2) and O−(6, 2)
D Crnković, S Rukavina, A Švob
Discrete mathematics 341 (10), 2723-2728, 2018
Self-orthogonal codes from orbit matrices of 2-designs.
D Crnković, BG Rodrigues, S Rukavina, L Simčić
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 7 (2), 2013
Ternary codes from the strongly regular (45, 12, 3, 3) graphs and orbit matrices of 2-(45, 12, 3) designs
D Crnković, BG Rodrigues, S Rukavina, L Simčić
Discrete mathematics 312 (20), 3000-3010, 2012
Orbit matrices of Hadamard matrices and related codes
D Crnković, R Egan, A Švob
Discrete mathematics 341 (5), 1199-1209, 2018
Construction of strongly regular graphs having an automorphism group of composite order
D Crnkovic, M Maksimovic
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 15 (1), 22-41, 2020
Block designs and strongly regular graphs constructed from the group U (3, 4)
D Crnković, V Mikulić
Glasnik matematički 41 (2), 189-194, 2006
A classification of all symmetric block designs of order nine with an automorphism of order six
D Crnković, S Rukavina, M Schmidt
Journal of Combinatorial Designs 14 (4), 301-312, 2006
Symmetric (36, 15, 6) design having U (3, 3) as an automorphism group
D Crnković
Glasnik matematički 34 (1), 1-3, 1999
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