Andrew Melnyk
Andrew Melnyk
George State University
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Cited by
Accurate assembly of minority viral haplotypes from next-generation sequencing through efficient noise reduction
S Knyazev, V Tsyvina, A Shankar, A Melnyk, A Artyomenko, T Malygina, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (17), e102-e102, 2021
Inference of genetic relatedness between viral quasispecies from sequencing data
O Glebova, S Knyazev, A Melnyk, A Artyomenko, Y Khudyakov, ...
BMC genomics 18, 81-88, 2017
Cliquesnv: Scalable reconstruction of intra-host viral populations from ngs reads
S Knyazev, V Tsyvina, A Melnyk, A Artyomenko, T Malygina, YB Porozov, ...
BioRxiv, 264242, 2018
From alpha to zeta: Identifying variants and subtypes of sars-cov-2 via clustering
A Melnyk, F Mohebbi, S Knyazev, B Sahoo, R Hosseini, P Skums, ...
Journal of Computational Biology 28 (11), 1113-1129, 2021
Using earth mover’s distance for viral outbreak investigations
A Melnyk, S Knyazev, F Vannberg, L Bunimovich, P Skums, A Zelikovsky
BMC genomics 21, 1-9, 2020
Clustering based identification of SARS-CoV-2 subtypes
A Melnyk, F Mohebbi, S Knyazev, B Sahoo, R Hosseini, P Skums, ...
International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical …, 2020
CliqueSNV: an efficient noise reduction technique for accurate assembly of viral variants from NGS data
S Knyazev, V Tsyvina, A Shankar, A Melnyk, A Artyomenko, T Malygina, ...
bioRxiv 264242, 2020
CliqueSNV: scalable reconstruction of intra‐host viral populations from NGS reads. bioRxiv 2018; 1‐8
S Knyazev, V Tsyvina, A Melnyk, T Malygina, YB Porozov, E Campbell
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Articles 1–8