Oliver Gessner
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Cited by
Time-resolved molecular frame dynamics of fixed-in-space CS2 molecules
CZ Bisgaard, OJ Clarkin, G Wu, AMD Lee, O Geßner, CC Hayden, ...
Science 323 (5920), 1464-1468, 2009
Shapes and vorticities of superfluid helium nanodroplets
LF Gomez, KR Ferguson, JP Cryan, C Bacellar, RMP Tanyag, C Jones, ...
Science 345 (6199), 906-909, 2014
Time-resolved pump-probe experiments at the LCLS
JM Glownia, J Cryan, J Andreasson, A Belkacem, N Berrah, CI Blaga, ...
Optics express 18 (17), 17620-17630, 2010
Ultraintense X-Ray Induced Ionization, Dissociation, and Frustrated Absorption<? format?> in Molecular Nitrogen
M Hoener, L Fang, O Kornilov, O Gessner, ST Pratt, M Gühr, EP Kanter, ...
Physical review letters 104 (25), 253002, 2010
Femtosecond multidimensional imaging of a molecular dissociation
O Geßner, AMD Lee, JP Shaffer, H Reisler, SV Levchenko, AI Krylov, ...
Science 311 (5758), 219-222, 2006
Double Core-Hole Production in : Beating the Auger Clock
L Fang, M Hoener, O Gessner, F Tarantelli, ST Pratt, O Kornilov, C Buth, ...
Physical review letters 105 (8), 083005, 2010
Auger Electron Angular Distribution of Double Core-Hole States<? format?> in the Molecular Reference Frame
JP Cryan, JM Glownia, J Andreasson, A Belkacem, N Berrah, CI Blaga, ...
Physical review letters 105 (8), 083004, 2010
Isotope-induced partial localization of core electrons in the homonuclear molecule N2
D Rolles, M Braune, S Cvejanović, O Geßner, R Hentges, S Korica, ...
Nature 437 (7059), 711-715, 2005
Demonstration of Strong Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the Photoelectron Angular Distribution from Oriented CO Molecules
F Heiser, O Gessner, J Viefhaus, K Wieliczek, R Hentges, U Becker
Physical review letters 79 (13), 2435, 1997
Localization and loss of coherence in molecular double-slit experiments
B Zimmermann, D Rolles, B Langer, R Hentges, M Braune, S Cvejanovic, ...
Nature Physics 4 (8), 649-655, 2008
Resonant photofragmentation of water at the oxygen K edge by high-resolution ion-yield spectroscopy
MN Piancastelli, A Hempelmann, F Heiser, O Gessner, A Rüdel, U Becker
Physical Review A 59 (1), 300, 1999
Atomic-scale perspective of ultrafast charge transfer at a dye–semiconductor interface
KR Siefermann, CD Pemmaraju, S Neppl, A Shavorskiy, AA Cordones, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (15), 2753-2759, 2014
Observation of Site-Specific Electron Emission in the Decay of Superexcited
AV Golovin, F Heiser, CJK Quayle, P Morin, M Simon, O Gessner, ...
Physical review letters 79 (23), 4554, 1997
Inner Valence Photoionization Dynamics of NO Derived from Photoelectron-Photoion Angular Correlations
O Geßner, Y Hikosaka, B Zimmermann, A Hempelmann, RR Lucchese, ...
Physical Review Letters 88 (19), 193002, 2002
Interference effects between auger and photoelectron studied by subnatural linewidth auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
J Viefhaus, G Snell, R Hentges, M Wiedenhöft, F Heiser, O Geßner, ...
Physical review letters 80 (8), 1618, 1998
Photoelectron imaging of helium droplets doped with Xe and Kr atoms
CC Wang, O Kornilov, O Gessner, JH Kim, DS Peterka, DM Neumark
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (39), 9356-9365, 2008
Time-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques for the study of interfacial charge dynamics
S Neppl, O Gessner
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 200, 64-77, 2015
Ultrafast electronic dynamics in helium nanodroplets
MP Ziemkiewicz, DM Neumark, O Gessner
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 34 (2), 239-267, 2015
Imaging quantum vortices in superfluid helium droplets
O Gessner, AF Vilesov
Annual review of physical chemistry 70 (1), 173-198, 2019
Communication: X-ray coherent diffractive imaging by immersion in nanodroplets
RMP Tanyag, C Bernando, CF Jones, C Bacellar, KR Ferguson, ...
Structural Dynamics 2 (5), 2015
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Articles 1–20