kichang kim
kichang kim
인하대 정보통신공학과 교수
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Two-stage ransomware detection using dynamic analysis and machine learning techniques
J Hwang, J Kim, S Lee, K Kim
Wireless Personal Communications 112 (4), 2597-2609, 2020
VLIW compilation techniques in a superscalar environment
K Ebcioglu, RD Groves, KC Kim, GM Silberman, I Ziv
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 1994 conference on Programming language …, 1994
Probability-based tile pre-fetching and cache replacement algorithms for web geographical information systems
YK Kang, KC Kim, YS Kim
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 5th East European Conference …, 2001
Design optimization analysis of body attachment for NVH performance improvements
K Kim, I Choi
SAE Technical Paper, 2003
Adaptation of a neighbor selection markov chain for prefetching tiled web gis data
DH Lee, JS Kim, SD Kim, KC Kim, K Yoo-Sung, J Park
Advances in Information Systems: Second International Conference, ADVIS 2002 …, 2002
High‐Performance Internet Traffic Classification Using a Markov Model and Kullback‐Leibler Divergence
J Kim, J Hwang, K Kim
Mobile Information Systems 2016 (1), 6180527, 2016
A resource-efficient ip traceback technique for mobile ad-hoc networks based on time-tagged bloom filter
IY Kim, KC Kim
2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information …, 2008
Development of an algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeak and rattle noises
GJ Lee, K Kim, J Kim
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Collaborative design by sharing multiple-level encryption files
KC Kim, SB Yoo
Concurrent Engineering 22 (1), 29-37, 2014
Zone-based clustering for intrusion detection architecture in ad-hoc networks
IY Kim, YS Kim, KC Kim
Management of Convergence Networks and Services: 9th Asia-Pacific Network …, 2006
Study of an in-order SMT architecture and grouping schemes
BI Moon, MG Kim, IP Hong, KC Kim, YS Lee
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 1 (3), 339-350, 2003
A Case Study: Application of Analytical and Numerical Techniques to Squeak and Rattle Analysis of a Door Assembly
KC Kim, SW Lee, SG Hong, J Kim, GJ Lee, JM Choi, YJ Kim
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
IP traceback with sparsely-tagged fragment marking scheme under massively multiple attack paths
K Kim, J Kim, J Hwang
Cluster computing 16, 229-239, 2013
Ipbio: Embedding biometric data in ip header for per-packet authentication
DS Lee, KC Kim, YB Yoo
International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and …, 2006
Tagged fragment marking scheme with distance-weighted sampling for a fast IP traceback
KC Kim, JS Hwang, BY Kim, SD Kim
Web Technologies and Applications: 5th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb …, 2003
An analytical study of the mode-coupling effect on the instability of friction induced vibrations to guide design of a squeak test apparatus
GJ Lee, J Kim, K Kim
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 250 (6), 1293-1299, 2015
Securing anonymity in P2P network
BR Kim, KC Kim, YS Kim
Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart objects and ambient …, 2005
An algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeaks and rattles
GJ Lee, J Kim, K Kim
Sound & Vibration 49 (9), 2015
Improved technique of IP address fragmentation strategies for DoS attack traceback
BR Kim, KC Kim
International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 427-437, 2006
A node split algorithm reducing overlapped index spaces in m-tree index
SH Lim, KI Ku, K Kim, YS Kim
22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), 15-15, 2006
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Articles 1–20