Rachel Brown (Albert)
Rachel Brown (Albert)
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Latency requirements for foveated rendering in virtual reality
R Albert, A Patney, D Luebke, J Kim
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 14 (4), 1-13, 2017
Foveated AR: dynamically-foveated augmented reality display.
J Kim, Y Jeong, M Stengel, K Aksit, RA Albert, B Boudaoud, T Greer, J Kim, ...
ACM Trans. Graph. 38 (4), 99:1-99:15, 2019
Optimal presentation of imagery with focus cues on multi-plane displays
R Narain, RA Albert, A Bulbul, GJ Ward, MS Banks, JF O'Brien
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (4), 1-12, 2015
Manufacturing application-driven foveated near-eye displays
K Akşit, P Chakravarthula, K Rathinavel, Y Jeong, R Albert, H Fuchs, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25 (5), 1928-1939, 2019
Toward standardized classification of foveated displays
J Spjut, B Boudaoud, J Kim, T Greer, R Albert, M Stengel, K Akşit, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (5), 2126-2134, 2020
Image features influence reaction time: A learned probabilistic perceptual model for saccade latency
B Duinkharjav, P Chakravarthula, R Brown, A Patney, Q Sun
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 41 (4), 1-15, 2022
Esports arms race: Latency and refresh rate for competitive gaming tasks
J Kim, J Spjut, M McGuire, A Majercik, B Boudaoud, R Albert, D Luebke
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 218c-218c, 2019
Approximate svBRDF estimation from mobile phone video
RA Albert, DY Chan, DB Goldman, JF O’Brien
Efficient dataflow modeling of peripheral encoding in the human visual system
R Brown, V Dutell, B Walter, R Rosenholtz, P Shirley, M McGuire, ...
ACM Transactions on Applied Perceptions 20 (1), 1-22, 2023
The role of the parietal cortex in feature binding in visual search
RA Albert, SL Sheremata, MA Silver, LC Robertson
Journal of vision 13 (9), 158-158, 2013
Matching prescription & visual acuity: Towards ar for humans
J Kim, M Stengel, JY Wu, B Boudaoud, J Spjut, K Akşit, R Albert, T Greer, ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging Technologies, 1-2, 2019
Correct blur and accommodation information is a reliable cue to depth ordering.
M Zannoli, RA Albert, A Bulbul, R Narain, JF O'Brien, M Banks
Journal of Vision 14 (10), 138-138, 2014
Methods and systems for acquiring svBRDF measurements
RA Albert, JF O'brien
US Patent 11,436,791, 2022
Reading speed decreases for fast readers under gaze-contingent rendering
RA Albert, A Godinez, D Luebke
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019, 1-6, 2019
The Shortest Route Is Not Always the Fastest: Probability-Modeled Stereoscopic Eye Movement Completion Time in VR
B Duinkharjav, B Liang, A Patney, R Brown, Q Sun
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 42 (6), 1-14, 2023
Post-post-modern photography: Capture-time perceptual matching for more faithful photographs
R Albert, AA Efros
Technical Report EECS-2016-167, UC Berkeley, 2016
The perception of surface material from disparity and focus cues
M Banks, A Bulbul, RA Albert, R Narain, JF O’Brien, G Ward
eScholarship, University of California, 2014
Developing a peripheral color tolerance model for gaze-contingent rendering
L Zhang, R Albert, J Kim, D Luebke
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 298c-298c, 2019
Foveation and spatial hashing in layer-based computer-generated holograms
JH Wang, W Lopes, RA Brown, P Shirley
US Patent 11,635,623, 2023
Efficient Dataflow Modeling of Peripheral Encoding
R Brown, V Dutell, B Walter, R Rosenholtz, P Shirley, M McGuire, ...
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 4378-4378, 2022
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