Barbara B. Flynn
Barbara B. Flynn
Richard M. and Myra Louise Professor of Manufacturing Management, Indiana University
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The impact of supply chain integration on performance: A contingency and configuration approach
BB Flynn, B Huo, X Zhao
Journal of operations management 28 (1), 58-71, 2010
A framework for quality management research and an associated measurement instrument
BB Flynn, RG Schroeder, S Sakakibara
Journal of Operations management 11 (4), 339-366, 1994
Empirical research methods in operations management
BB Flynn, S Sakakibara, RG Schroeder, KA Bates, EJ Flynn
Journal of operations management 9 (2), 250-284, 1990
The impact of quality management practices on performance and competitive advantage
BB Flynn, RG Schroeder, S Sakakibara
Decision sciences 26 (5), 659-691, 1995
The impact of power and relationship commitment on the integration between manufacturers and customers in a supply chain
X Zhao, B Huo, BB Flynn, JHY Yeung
Journal of operations management 26 (3), 368-388, 2008
The impact of supply chain complexity on manufacturing plant performance
CC Bozarth, DP Warsing, BB Flynn, EJ Flynn
Journal of operations management 27 (1), 78-93, 2009
Relationship between JIT and TQM: practices and performance
BB Flynn, S Sakakibara, RG Schroeder
Academy of management Journal 38 (5), 1325-1360, 1995
The impact of just-in-time manufacturing and its infrastructure on manufacturing performance
S Sakakibara, BB Flynn, RG Schroeder, WT Morris
Management Science 43 (9), 1246-1257, 1997
World class manufacturing: an investigation of Hayes and Wheelwright's foundation
BB Flynn, RG Schroeder, EJ Flynn
Journal of operations management 17 (3), 249-269, 1999
An exploratory study of the nature of cumulative capabilities
BB Flynn, EJ Flynn
Journal of operations management 22 (5), 439-457, 2004
Further evidence on the validity of the theoretical models underlying the Baldrige criteria
BB Flynn, B Saladin
Journal of Operations Management 19 (6), 617-652, 2001
Operational capabilities: The secret ingredient
SJ Wu, SA Melnyk, BB Flynn
Decision Sciences 41 (4), 721-754, 2010
Synergies between supply chain management and quality management: emerging implications
BB Flynn*, EJ Flynn
International Journal of Production Research 43 (16), 3421-3436, 2005
Relevance of Baldrige constructs in an international context: A study of national culture
BB Flynn, B Saladin
Journal of Operations Management 24 (5), 583-603, 2006
On theory in supply chain uncertainty and its implications for supply chain integration
BB Flynn, X Koufteros, G Lu
Journal of Supply Chain Management 52 (3), 3-27, 2016
High performance manufacturing: Global perspectives
RG Schroeder, BB Flynn
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
A framework and measurement instrument for just‐in‐time manufacturing
S Sakakibara, BB Flynn, RG Schroeder
Production and Operations Management 2 (3), 177-194, 1993
Decision sciences research in China: a critical review and research agenda—foundations and overview
X Zhao, BB Flynn, AV Roth
Decision Sciences 37 (4), 451-496, 2006
World‐class manufacturing project: overview and selected results
BB Flynn, RG Schroeder, EJ Flynn, S Sakakibara, KA Bates
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 17 (7), 671-685, 1997
Information‐processing alternatives for coping with manufacturing environment complexity
BB Flynn, EJ Flynn
Decision Sciences 30 (4), 1021-1052, 1999
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20