Kelly Schmitt
Kelly Schmitt
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Cited by
Cited by
L., & Wright, JC (2001). Early childhood television viewing adolescent behavior: The recontact study
DR Anderson, AC Huston, KL Schmitt, D Linebarger
Monographs of the society for Research in Child Development 66 (1), 8
Stressful life events and television viewing
DR Anderson, PA Collins, KL Schmitt, RS Jacobvitz
Communication Research 23 (3), 243-260, 1996
Television and reality: Toddlers' use of visual information from video to guide behavior
KL Schmitt, DR Anderson
Media Psychology 4 (1), 51-76, 2002
Personal homepage construction as an expression of social development.
KL Schmitt, S Dayanim, S Matthias
Developmental Psychology 44 (2), 496, 2008
Viewing the viewers: Viewing behaviors by children and adults during television programs and commercials
KL Schmitt, KD Woolf, DR Anderson
Journal of Communication 53 (2), 265-281, 2003
Form and content: looking at visual features of television.
KL Schmitt, DR Anderson, PA Collins
Developmental psychology 35 (4), 1156, 1999
Gender constancy and television viewing.
D Luecke-Aleksa, DR Anderson, PA Collins, KL Schmitt
Developmental Psychology 31 (5), 773, 1995
Eyewitness identification of children: Effects of absolute judgments, nonverbal response options, and event encoding.
CR Beal, KL Schmitt, DJ Dekle
Law and Human Behavior 19 (2), 197, 1995
Sesame Street viewers as adolescents: The recontact study
AC Huston, DR Anderson, JC Wright, DL Linebarger, KL Schmitt
G” is for growing: Thirty years of research on children and Sesame Street …, 2001
Learning through play: The impact of web-based games on early literacy development
KL Schmitt, LB Hurwitz, LS Duel, DLN Linebarger
Computers in Human Behavior, 2017
Public policy, family rules and children's media use in the home
KL Schmitt
Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, 2000
Developmental implications of commercial broadcasters' educational offerings
AB Jordan, KL Schmitt, EH Woodard
Journal of applied developmental psychology 22 (1), 87-101, 2001
The Three-Hour Rule: Is It Living Up to Expectations?
KL Schmitt
Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, 1999
IX. Self‐Image: Role Model Preference And Body Image
DR Anderson, AC Huston, KL Schmitt, DL Linebarger, JC Wright
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 66 (1), 108-118, 2001
Facilitating Development Research: Suggestions for Recruiting and Re-Recruiting Children and Families
LB Hurwitz, KL Schmitt, MK Olsen
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1525, 2017
IV. Academic Achievement
DR Anderson, AC Huston, KL Schmitt, DL Linebarger, JC Wright
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 66 (1), 36-66, 2001
Two-to three-year-olds' understanding of the correspondence between television and reality
KL Schmitt
The effects of early childhood TV-viewing on learning
JC Wright, DR Anderson, AC Huston, PA Collins, KL Schmitt, ...
Free-choice science education: How we learn science outside of school, 79-92, 2001
KL Schmitt, DR Anderson
Fernsehen in der frühen Kindheit und seine kognitiven Entwicklungsfolgen in der Adoleszenz
DL Linebarger, KL Schmitt, AC Huston, DR Anderson
Jugendmedienforschung, 41-61, 2009
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