George Barmpalias
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Cited by
Digital morphogenesis via Schelling segregation
G Barmpalias, R Elwes, A Lewis-Pye
2014 IEEE 55th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 156-165, 2014
The ibT degrees of computably enumerable sets are not dense
G Barmpalias, AEM Lewis
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1-2), 51-60, 2006
Algorithmic randomness of closed sets
G Barmpalias, P Brodhead, D Cenzer, S Dashti, R Weber
Journal of Logic and Computation 17 (6), 1041-1062, 2007
Working with strong reducibilities above totally 𝜔-ce and array computable degrees
G Barmpalias, R Downey, N Greenberg
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (2), 777-813, 2010
Randomness, lowness and degrees
G Barmpalias, AEM Lewis, M Soskova
The Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2), 559-577, 2008
Unperturbed Schelling segregation in two or three dimensions
G Barmpalias, R Elwes, A Lewis-Pye
Journal of Statistical Physics 164, 1460-1487, 2016
Randomness notions and partial relativization
G Barmpalias, JS Miller, A Nies
Israel Journal of Mathematics 191 (2), 791-816, 2012
Computably enumerable sets in the Solovay and the strong weak truth table degrees
G Barmpalias
New Computational Paradigms: First Conference on Computability in Europe …, 2005
Tipping points in 1-dimensional Schelling models with switching agents
G Barmpalias, R Elwes, A Lewis-Pye
Journal of Statistical Physics 158, 806-852, 2015
The importance of Π10 classes in effective randomness
G Barmpalias, AEM Lewis, KM Ng
The Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1), 387-400, 2010
Algorithmic randomness of continuous functions
G Barmpalias, P Brodhead, D Cenzer, JB Remmel, R Weber
Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (7), 533-546, 2008
A ce real that cannot be SW-computed by any Ω number
G Barmpalias, AEM Lewis
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2), 197-209, 2006
Random reals and Lipschitz continuity
AEM Lewis, G Barmpalias
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16 (5), 737-749, 2006
Minority population in the one-dimensional Schelling model of segregation
G Barmpalias, R Elwes, A Lewis-Pye
Journal of Statistical Physics 173, 1408-1458, 2018
Differences of halting probabilities
G Barmpalias, A Lewis-Pye
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 89, 349-360, 2017
Kolmogorov complexity of initial segments of sequences and arithmetical definability
G Barmpalias, CS Vlek
Theoretical Computer Science 412 (41), 5656-5667, 2011
Randomness and the linear degrees of computability
AEM Lewis, G Barmpalias
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 145 (3), 252-257, 2007
𝐾-trivial degrees and the jump-traceability hierarchy
G Barmpalias, R Downey, N Greenberg
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 137 (6), 2099-2109, 2009
Elementary differences between the degrees of unsolvability and degrees of compressibility
G Barmpalias
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7), 923-934, 2010
The typical Turing degree
G Barmpalias, AR Day, AEM Lewis‐Pye
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 109 (1), 1-39, 2014
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Articles 1–20