Paula Carroll
Cited by
Cited by
Air Source Heat Pumps field studies: A systematic literature review
P Carroll, M Chesser, P Lyons
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 134, 110275, 2020
A genetic algorithm for a green vehicle routing problem
PRO da Costa, S Mauceri, P Carroll, F Pallonetto
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 64, 65-74, 2018
Household classification using smart meter data
P Carroll, T Murphy, M Hanley, D Dempsey, J Dunne
Journal of official statistics 34 (1), 1-25, 2018
A Review of the Role of Heuristics in Stochastic Optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics
AA Juan, P Keenan, R Martı, S McGarraghy, J Panadero, P Carroll, ...
Annals of Operations Research, 2021
Air source heat pump in-situ performance
M Chesser, P Lyons, P O'Reilly, P Carroll
Energy and Buildings 251, 111365, 2021
Identification of gaps and barriers in regulations, standards, and network codes to energy citizen participation in the energy transition
A Nouri, S Khadem, A Mutule, C Papadimitriou, R Stanev, M Cabiati, ...
Energies 15 (3), 856, 2022
A business analytics approach to augment six sigma problem solving: A biopharmaceutical manufacturing case study
W Fahey, P Jeffers, P Carroll
Computers in Industry 116, 103153, 2020
Design of an autonomous intelligent demand-side management system using stochastic optimisation evolutionary algorithms
E Galván-López, T Curran, J McDermott, P Carroll
Neurocomputing 170, 270-285, 2015
Identifying patterns of learner behaviour: What business statistics students do with learning resources
P Carroll, A White
INFORMS Transactions on Education 18 (1), 1-13, 2017
Learning to sparsify travelling salesman problem instances
J Fitzpatrick, D Ajwani, P Carroll
International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming …, 2021
Engaging business students in quantitative skills development.
A Cronin, P Carroll
e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching 9 (1), 119-131, 2015
A branch‐and‐cut algorithm for the ring spur assignment problem
P Carroll, B Fortz, M Labbé, S McGarraghy
Networks 61 (2), 89-103, 2013
Gender mainstreaming the European union energy transition
P Carroll
Energies 15 (21), 8087, 2022
Prediction of forestry planned end products using Dirichlet regression and neural networks
C Hickey, S Kelly, P Carroll, J O'Connor
Forest Science 61 (2), 289-297, 2015
Wind energy assessment for renewable energy communities
S Araveti, CA Quintana, E Kairisa, A Mutule, JPS Adriazola, C Sweeney, ...
Wind 2 (2), 325-347, 2022
Validating unit commitment models: A case for benchmark test systems
AC Melhorn, M Li, P Carroll, D Flynn
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Improved formulations for the ring spur assignment problem
P Carroll, B Fortz, M Labbé, S McGarraghy
International Conference on Network Optimization, 24-36, 2011
Investigation of the ring spur assignment problem
P Carroll, S McGarraghy
International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), 26-29, 2009
Assessment of Power System Asset Dispatch under Different Local Energy Community Business Models
T Korõtko, F Plaum, T Häring, A Mutule, R Lazdins, O Borščevskis, ...
Energies, 2023
Creating and characterising electricity load profiles of residential buildings
J Fitzpatrick, P Carroll, D Ajwani
International Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data …, 2020
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Articles 1–20