Luigi Lavazza
Luigi Lavazza
Professor of Computer Science, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
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A conceptual basis for feature engineering
CR Turner, A Fuggetta, L Lavazza, AL Wolf
Journal of Systems and Software 49 (1), 3-15, 1999
Modeling and improving an industrial software process
S Bandinelli, A Fuggetta, L Lavazza, M Loi, GP Picco
IEEE Transactions on software Engineering 21 (5), 440-454, 1995
Deriving executable process descriptions from UML
ED Nitto, L Lavazza, M Schiavoni, E Tracanella, M Trombetta
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2002
Combining UML and formal notations for modelling real-time systems
L Lavazza, G Quaroni, M Venturelli
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 26 (5), 196-206, 2001
OpenBQR: a framework for the assessment of OSS
D Taibi, L Lavazza, S Morasca
Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation: IFIP Working Group 2.13 on …, 2007
Applying GQM in an industrial software factory
A Fuggetta, L Lavazza, S Morasca, S Cinti, G Oldano, E Orazi
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 7 (4), 411-448, 1998
A survey on open source software trustworthiness
V Del Bianco, L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi
IEEE software 28 (5), 67-75, 2011
The architecture of the SPADE-1 process-centered SEE
S Bandinelli, M Braga, A Fuggetta, L Lavazza
European Workshop on Software Process Technology, 15-30, 1994
Translation and optimization of logic queries: The algebraic approach
S Ceri, G Gottlob, L Lavazza
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases …, 1986
Feature engineering [software development]
CR Turner, A Fuggetta, L Lavazza, AL Wolf
Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Software Specification and …, 1998
Open source software evaluation, selection, and adoption: a systematic literature review
V Lenarduzzi, D Taibi, D Tosi, L Lavazza, S Morasca
2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2020
Providing automated support for the GQM measurement process
L Lavazza
IEEE software 17 (3), 56-62, 2000
A case study in COSMIC functional size measurement: The rice cooker revisited
L Lavazza, V Del Bianco
Software Process and Product Measurement: International Conferences IWSM …, 2009
Model-based functional size measurement
LA Lavazza, V Del Bianco, C Garavaglia
Proceedings of the Second ACM-IEEE international symposium on Empirical …, 2008
Quality of open source software: the QualiPSo trustworthiness model
V Del Bianco, L Lavazza, S Morasca, D Taibi
Open Source Ecosystems: Diverse Communities Interacting: 5th IFIP WG 2.13 …, 2009
ALGRES: An advanced database system for complex applications
S Ceri, S Crespi-Reghizzi, R Zicari, G Lamperti, LA Lavazza
IEEE Software 7 (4), 68-78, 1990
An evaluation of simple function point as a replacement of IFPUG function point
L Lavazza, R Meli
2014 joint conference of the international workshop on software measurement …, 2014
Towards a simplified definition of Function Points
L Lavazza, S Morasca, G Robiolo
Information and Software Technology 55 (10), 1796-1809, 2013
Combining problem frames and UML in the description of software requirements
L Lavazza, V Del Bianco
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 9th International Conference …, 2006
The GOODSTEP project: general object-oriented database for software engineering processes
LA Lavazza
Proceedings of the 1st Asian Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 410-419, 1994
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Articles 1–20