Cecile Leduc
Cecile Leduc
Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS, université Paris Cité
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Integrins β1 and β3 exhibit distinct dynamic nanoscale organizations inside focal adhesions
O Rossier, V Octeau, JB Sibarita, C Leduc, B Tessier, D Nair, V Gatterdam, ...
Nature cell biology 14 (10), 1057-1067, 2012
Kinesin-8 motors act cooperatively to mediate length-dependent microtubule depolymerization
V Varga, C Leduc, V Bormuth, S Diez, J Howard
Cell 138 (6), 1174-1183, 2009
Cooperative extraction of membrane nanotubes by molecular motors
C Leduc, O Campàs, KB Zeldovich, A Roux, P Jolimaitre, L Bourel-Bonnet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (49), 17096-17101, 2004
Molecular crowding creates traffic jams of kinesin motors on microtubules
C Leduc, K Padberg-Gehle, V Varga, D Helbing, S Diez, J Howard
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (16), 6100-6105, 2012
Detection of fractional steps in cargo movement by the collective operation of kinesin-1 motors
C Leduc, F Ruhnow, J Howard, S Diez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (26), 10847-10852, 2007
Intermediate filaments in cell migration and invasion: the unusual suspects
C Leduc, S Etienne-Manneville
Current opinion in cell biology 32, 102-112, 2015
Intermediate filaments control collective migration by restricting traction forces and sustaining cell–cell contacts
C De Pascalis, C Pérez-González, S Seetharaman, B Boëda, B Vianay, ...
Journal of cell biology 217 (9), 3031-3044, 2018
Nanoscale segregation of actin nucleation and elongation factors determines dendritic spine protrusion
A Chazeau, A Mehidi, D Nair, JJ Gautier, C Leduc, I Chamma, F Kage, ...
The EMBO journal 33 (23), 2745-2764, 2014
A highly specific gold nanoprobe for live-cell single-molecule imaging
C Leduc, S Si, J Gautier, M Soto-Ribeiro, B Wehrle-Haller, A Gautreau, ...
Nano letters 13 (4), 1489-1494, 2013
Advances in live-cell single-particle tracking and dynamic super-resolution imaging
L Cognet, C Leduc, B Lounis
Current opinion in chemical biology 20, 78-85, 2014
Short gold nanorod growth revisited: the critical role of the bromide counterion
S Si, C Leduc, MH Delville, B Lounis
ChemPhysChem 13 (1), 193-202, 2012
Regulation of microtubule-associated motors drives intermediate filament network polarization
C Leduc, S Etienne-Manneville
Journal of Cell Biology 216 (6), 1689-1703, 2017
Direct Investigation of Intracellular Presence of Gold Nanoparticles via Photothermal Heterodyne Imaging
C Leduc, JM Jung, RR Carney, F Stellacci, B Lounis
ACS nano 5 (4), 2587-2592, 2011
Coordination of kinesin motors pulling on fluid membranes
O Campàs, C Leduc, P Bassereau, J Casademunt, JF Joanny, J Prost
Biophysical journal 94 (12), 5009-5017, 2008
Microtubule acetylation but not detyrosination promotes focal adhesion dynamics and astrocyte migration
B Bance, S Seetharaman, C Leduc, B Boëda, S Etienne-Manneville
Journal of cell science 132 (7), jcs225805, 2019
Mechanism of membrane nanotube formation by molecular motors
C Leduc, O Campàs, JF Joanny, J Prost, P Bassereau
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1798 (7), 1418-1426, 2010
Studying kinesin motors by optical 3D-nanometry in gliding motility assays
B Nitzsche, V Bormuth, C Bräuer, J Howard, L Ionov, J Kerssemakers, ...
Methods in cell biology 95, 247-271, 2010
Cell stretching is amplified by active actin remodelling to deform and recruit proteins in mechanosensitive structures
S Massou, F Nunes Vicente, F Wetzel, A Mehidi, D Strehle, C Leduc, ...
Nature cell biology 22 (8), 1011-1023, 2020
Collective behavior of antagonistically acting kinesin-1 motors
C Leduc, N Pavin, F Jülicher, S Diez
Physical Review Letters 105, 128103, 2010
Long‐Range Transport of Giant Vesicles along Microtubule Networks
C Herold, C Leduc, R Stock, S Diez, P Schwille
ChemPhysChem 13 (4), 1001-1006, 2012
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Articles 1–20