Ekaterina Doronicheva
Ekaterina Doronicheva
senior researcher, Laboratory of Prehistory
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Cited by
On the industrial attributions of the Aterian and Mousterian of the Maghreb
HL Dibble, V Aldeias, Z Jacobs, DI Olszewski, Z Rezek, SC Lin, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 64 (3), 194-210, 2013
Obsidian exploitation strategies in the middle and upper paleolithic of the Northern Caucasus: new data from Mesmaiskaya Cave
EV Doronicheva, MS Shackley
PaleoAnthropology 2014, 565-585, 2014
New data about exploitation of the Zayukovo (Baksan) obsidian source in Northern Caucasus during the Paleolithic
EV Doronicheva, LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, MS Shackley, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 157-165, 2019
The first Middle Palaeolithic site exhibiting obsidian industry on the northern slopes of the Central Caucasus
E Doronicheva, L Golovanova, V Doronichev, A Nedomolkin, S Shackley
Antiquity 91 (359), e1, 2017
Raw material exploitation, transport, and mobility in the Northern Caucasus Eastern Micoquian
EV Doronicheva, MA Kulkova, MS Shackley
PaleoAnthropology 2016, 1-45, 2016
Exploitation of lithic raw material in the Northwestern Caucasus Upper Paleolithic
EV Doronicheva, MA Kulkova, MS Shackley
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 41 (2), 40-53, 2013
La grotte Mézmaiskaya (Caucase de Nord): exemple de l’utilisation des matières premières lithiques au Paléolithique Moyen et Supérieur
E Doronicheva, M Kulkova, S Grégoire
L'anthropologie 116 (3), 378-404, 2012
Bifacial scraper-knives in the Micoquian sites in the North-Western Caucasus: typology, technology, and reduction
LV Golovanova, EV Doronicheva, VB Doronichev, IG Shirobokov
Quaternary International 428, 49-65, 2017
The first laminar Mousterian obsidian industry in the north-central Caucasus, Russia (preliminary results of a multi-disciplinary research at Saradj-Chuko Grotto)
EV Doronicheva, LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, AG Nedomolkin, ...
Archaeological Research in Asia 18, 82-99, 2019
Dynamique du climat et du peuplement du Caucase Nord-Central au tournant du Pléistocène et de l’Holocène
LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, EV Doronicheva, TF Tregub, MA Volkov, ...
L'anthropologie 124 (2), 102759, 2020
New data on the Paleolithic of Elbrus region
LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, EV Doronicheva
Rossiiskaia arkheologiia, 7-18, 2019
The Zayukovo (Baksan) archaeological obsidian source, Greater Caucasus, Russia
MS Shackley, EV Doronicheva, VB Doronichev, LV Golovanova, ...
IAOS Bulletin 60, 11-23, 2018
Psytuaje rockshelter–A new site documenting the final of the Epipalaeolithic in the north-central Caucasus, Russia
E Doronicheva, L Golovanova, V Doronichev, A Nedomolkin, I Shirobokov, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102186, 2020
Long-distance contacts and social networks of the Upper Palaeolithic humans in the North-Western Caucasus (on data from Mezmaiskaya Cave, Russia)
LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, EV Doronicheva, VF Sapega, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 39, 103118, 2021
Dynamics of Climate and Human Settlement During the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the Northwestern Caucasus: Special Issue: The Impact of Upper Pleistocene Climatic and …
LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, EV Doronicheva, AG Nedomolkin
PaleoAnthropology 2022 (1), 52-81, 2022
Petrograficheskoye issledovaniye kremnya iz mestorojdeniy i stoyanok Srednego paleolita na Severo-Zapadnom Kavkaze (Petrography study of Flint from the Natural Outcrops and …
EV Doronicheva, MA Kulkova
Stratum plus („1, 2011), edited by Vishnyatsky LB Kishinev, 153-169, 2011
Impact of climatic stresses and volcanism on the tendencies of the cultural process in the North Caucasus during the late Pleistocene
LV Golovanova, EV Doronicheva, VB Doronichev, VA Tselmovich, ...
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 57 (7), 781-802, 2021
Hadjoh-2: A Middle Paleolithic Workshop-Camp in Northwestern Caucasus
EV Doronicheva, AG Nedomolkin, AA Muriy, MA Kulkova, TV Sapelko, ...
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 46 (1), 16-26, 2018
Archaeological evidence for two culture diverse Neanderthal populations in the North Caucasus and contacts between them
EV Doronicheva, LV Golovanova, VB Doronichev, RN Kurbanov
Plos one 18 (4), e0284093, 2023
Functional characterization of Mousterian tools from the Caucasus using comprehensive use-wear and residue analysis
EV Doronicheva, LV Golovanova, JV Kostina, SA Legkov, GN Poplevko, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 17421, 2022
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Articles 1–20