Jean-Paul Watson
Cited by
Cited by
Pyomo-optimization modeling in python
WE Hart, CD Laird, JP Watson, DL Woodruff, GA Hackebeil, BL Nicholson, ...
Springer 67, 277, 2017
Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python
WE Hart, JP Watson, DL Woodruff
Mathematical Programming Computation 3, 219-260, 2011
The battle of the water sensor networks (BWSN): A design challenge for engineers and algorithms
A Ostfeld, JG Uber, E Salomons, JW Berry, WE Hart, CA Phillips, ...
Journal of water resources planning and management 134 (6), 556-568, 2008
Multi-stage robust unit commitment considering wind and demand response uncertainties
C Zhao, J Wang, JP Watson, Y Guan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2708-2717, 2013
Pyomo-optimization modeling in python
ML Bynum, GA Hackebeil, WE Hart, CD Laird, BL Nicholson, JD Siirola, ...
Springer 67 (s 32), 2021
Progressive hedging innovations for a class of stochastic mixed-integer resource allocation problems
JP Watson, DL Woodruff
Computational Management Science 8, 355-370, 2011
Sensor placement in municipal water networks
JW Berry, L Fleischer, WE Hart, CA Phillips, JP Watson
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 131 (3), 237-243, 2005
Sensor placement in municipal water networks with temporal integer programming models
J Berry, WE Hart, CA Phillips, JG Uber, JP Watson
Journal of water resources planning and management 132 (4), 218-224, 2006
Scheduling space–ground communications for the air force satellite control network
L Barbulescu, JP Watson, LD Whitley, AE Howe
Journal of Scheduling 7, 7-34, 2004
Two-stage robust optimization for Nk contingency-constrained unit commitment
Q Wang, JP Watson, Y Guan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2366-2375, 2013
The IEEE reliability test system: A proposed 2019 update
C Barrows, A Bloom, A Ehlen, J Ikäheimo, J Jorgenson, D Krishnamurthy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (1), 119-127, 2019
Conceptual framework for developing resilience metrics for the electricity oil and gas sectors in the United States
JP Watson, R Guttromson, C Silva-Monroy, R Jeffers, K Jones, J Ellison, ...
Sandia national laboratories, albuquerque, nm (united states), tech. rep, 2014
Obtaining lower bounds from the progressive hedging algorithm for stochastic mixed-integer programs
D Gade, G Hackebeil, SM Ryan, JP Watson, RJB Wets, DL Woodruff
Mathematical Programming 157, 47-67, 2016
Ensuring profitability of energy storage
Y Dvorkin, R Fernandez-Blanco, DS Kirschen, H Pandžić, JP Watson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 611-623, 2016
On mixed-integer programming formulations for the unit commitment problem
B Knueven, J Ostrowski, JP Watson
INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (4), 857-876, 2020
PySP: modeling and solving stochastic programs in Python
JP Watson, DL Woodruff, WE Hart
Mathematical Programming Computation 4, 109-149, 2012
A multiple-objective analysis of sensor placement optimization in water networks
JP Watson, HJ Greenberg, WE Hart
Critical transitions in water and environmental resources management, 1-10, 2004
Scalable planning for energy storage in energy and reserve markets
B Xu, Y Wang, Y Dvorkin, R Fernández-Blanco, CA Silva-Monroy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 32 (6), 4515-4527, 2017
Contrasting structured and random permutation flow-shop scheduling problems: search-space topology and algorithm performance
JP Watson, L Barbulescu, LD Whitley, AE Howe
INFORMS Journal on Computing 14 (2), 98-123, 2002
A comparison of policies on the participation of storage in US frequency regulation markets
B Xu, Y Dvorkin, DS Kirschen, CA Silva-Monroy, JP Watson
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
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Articles 1–20