Marnik Dekimpe
Marnik Dekimpe
Professor of Marketing, Tilburg University
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The market valuation of internet channel additions
I Geyskens, K Gielens, MG Dekimpe
Journal of marketing 66 (2), 102-119, 2002
The category-demand effects of price promotions
VR Nijs, MG Dekimpe, JBEM Steenkamps, DM Hanssens
Marketing science 20 (1), 1-22, 2001
Decline and variability in brand loyalty
MG Dekimpe, JBEM Steenkamp, M Mellens, PV Abeele
international Journal of Research in Marketing 14 (5), 405-420, 1997
The persistence of marketing effects on sales
MG Dekimpe, DM Hanssens
Marketing science 14 (1), 1-21, 1995
A review of brand-loyalty measures in marketing
M Mellens, MG Dekimpe, J Steenkamp
Tijdschrift voor economie en management 41 (4), 507-533, 1996
How business cycles contribute to private-label success: Evidence from the United States and Europe
L Lamey, B Deleersnyder, MG Dekimpe, JBEM Steenkamp
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 1-15, 2007
Sustained spending and persistent response: A new look at long-term marketing profitability
MG Dekimpe, DM Hanssens
Journal of Marketing Research 36 (4), 397-412, 1999
The impact of a product-harm crisis on marketing effectiveness
H Van Heerde, K Helsen, MG Dekimpe
Marketing Science 26 (2), 230-245, 2007
How cannibalistic is the Internet channel? A study of the newspaper industry in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
B Deleersnyder, I Geyskens, K Gielens, MG Dekimpe
International Journal of Research in Marketing 19 (4), 337-348, 2002
The increasing power of store brands: building loyalty and market share
JBEM Steenkamp, MG Dekimpe
Long range planning 30 (6), 917-930, 1997
The effect of customer satisfaction on consumer spending growth
C Fornell, RT Rust, MG Dekimpe
Journal of marketing research 47 (1), 28-35, 2010
Rising from the ashes: How brands and categories can overcome product-harm crises
K Cleeren, HJ Van Heerde, MG Dekimpe
Journal of Marketing 77 (2), 58-77, 2013
Do promotions benefit manufacturers, retailers, or both?
S Srinivasan, K Pauwels, DM Hanssens, MG Dekimpe
Management Science 50 (5), 617-629, 2004
Competitive reactions to advertising and promotion attacks
JBEM Steenkamp, VR Nijs, DM Hanssens, MG Dekimpe
Marketing science 24 (1), 35-54, 2005
Weathering product-harm crises
K Cleeren, MG Dekimpe, K Helsen
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36, 262-270, 2008
Staged estimation of international diffusion models: An application to global cellular telephone adoption
MG Dekimpe, PM Parker, M Sarvary
Technological forecasting and social change 57 (1-2), 105-132, 1998
The role of national culture in advertising's sensitivity to business cycles: An investigation across continents
B Deleersnyder, MG Dekimpe, JBEM Steenkamp, PSH Leeflang
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (5), 623-636, 2009
Global diffusion of technological innovations: A coupled-hazard approach
MG Dekimpe, PM Parker, M Sarvary
Journal of Marketing Research 37 (1), 47-59, 2000
Generalizing about trade show effectiveness: A cross-national comparison
MG Dekimpe, P Francois, S Gopalakrishna, GL Lilien, C Van den Bulte
Journal of Marketing 61 (4), 55-64, 1997
Retailing and retailing research in the age of big data analytics
MG Dekimpe
International Journal of Research in Marketing 37 (1), 3-14, 2020
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Articles 1–20