Roberto Basili
Roberto Basili
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Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Version 3.2.1: A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas
2018 DISS Working Group
http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/, 2018
The 2013 European seismic hazard model: key components and results
J Woessner, D Laurentiu, D Giardini, H Crowley, F Cotton, G Grünthal, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 13, 3553-3596, 2015
The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), version 3: summarizing 20 years of research on Italy's earthquake geology
R Basili, G Valensise, P Vannoli, P Burrato, U Fracassi, S Mariano, ...
Tectonophysics 453 (1-4), 20-43, 2008
A seismic source zone model for the seismic hazard assessment of the Italian territory
C Meletti, F Galadini, G Valensise, M Stucchi, R Basili, S Barba, ...
Tectonophysics 450 (1-4), 85-108, 2008
Toward a ground-motion logic tree for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Europe
E Delavaud, F Cotton, S Akkar, F Scherbaum, L Danciu, C Beauval, ...
Journal of Seismology 16, 451-473, 2012
Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe (SHARE): Online Data Resource, doi: 10.12686
D Giardini, J Woessner, L Danciu, H Crowley, F Cotton, G Grünthal, ...
SED-00000001-SHARE, 2013
The 2020 update of the European Seismic Hazard Model: Model Overview. EFEHR Technical Report 001, v1. 0.0
L Danciu, S Nandan, C Reyes, R Basili, G Weatherill, C Beauval, ...
The European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) compiled in the framework of the Project SHARE
R Basili, V Kastelic, MB Demircioglu, D Garcia Moreno, ES Nemser, ...
URL: http://diss.rm.ingv.it/share-edsf, 2013
Earthquake‐generated tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea: Scenarios of potential threats to southern Italy
S Lorito, MM Tiberti, R Basili, A Piatanesi, G Valensise
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B1), 2008
Sources of Mw 5+ earthquakes in northeastern Italy and western Slovenia: an updated view based on geological and seismological evidence
P Burrato, ME Poli, P Vannoli, A Zanferrari, R Basili, F Galadini
Tectonophysics 453 (1-4), 157-176, 2008
The 2014 earthquake model of the middle east: seismogenic sources
L Danciu, K Şeşetyan, M Demircioglu, L Gülen, M Zare, R Basili, A Elias, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-32, 2017
Probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk analysis: A review of research gaps
J Behrens, F Løvholt, F Jalayer, S Lorito, MA Salgado-Gálvez, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 628772, 2021
A global probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment from earthquake sources
G Davies, J Griffin, F Løvholt, S Glimsdal, C Harbitz, HK Thio, S Lorito, ...
Probabilistic hazard for seismically induced tsunamis: accuracy and feasibility of inundation maps
S Lorito, J Selva, R Basili, F Romano, MM Tiberti, A Piatanesi
Geophysical Journal International 200 (1), 574-588, 2015
New geomorphic evidence for anticlinal growth driven by blind-thrust faulting along the northern Marche coastal belt (central Italy)
P Vannoli, R Basili, G Valensise
Journal of Seismology 8, 297-312, 2004
Quantification of source uncertainties in seismic probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (SPTHA)
J Selva, R Tonini, I Molinari, MM Tiberti, F Romano, A Grezio, D Melini, ...
Geophysical Journal International 205 (3), 1780-1803, 2016
Seismology and tectonic setting of the 2002 Molise, Italy, earthquake
G Valensise, D Pantosti, R Basili
Earthquake Spectra 20 (1_suppl), 23-37, 2004
The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19)
C Meletti, W Marzocchi, V D'amico, G Lanzano, L Luzi, F Martinelli, ...
Annals of Geophysics 64 (1), 2021
Is blind faulting truly invisible? Tectonic-controlled drainage evolution in the epicentral area of the May 2012, Emilia-Romagna earthquake sequence (northern Italy)
P Burrato, P Vannoli, U Fracassi, R Basili, G Valensise
Annals of Geophysics, 2012
The making of the NEAM Tsunami Hazard Model 2018 (NEAMTHM18)
R Basili, B Brizuela, A Herrero, S Iqbal, S Lorito, FE Maesano, S Murphy, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 616594, 2021
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