Alexander A. Serga
Alexander A. Serga
Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
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Magnon spintronics
AV Chumak, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature physics 11 (6), 453-461, 2015
YIG magnonics
AA Serga, AV Chumak, B Hillebrands
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (26), 264002, 2010
Bose–Einstein condensation of quasi-equilibrium magnons at room temperature under pumping
SO Demokritov, VE Demidov, O Dzyapko, GA Melkov, AA Serga, ...
Nature 443 (7110), 430-433, 2006
Magnon transistor for all-magnon data processing
AV Chumak, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature communications 5 (1), 4700, 2014
Realization of spin-wave logic gates
T Schneider, AA Serga, B Leven, B Hillebrands, RL Stamps, MP Kostylev
Applied Physics Letters 92 (2), 2008
Spin-wave logical gates
MP Kostylev, AA Serga, T Schneider, B Leven, B Hillebrands
Applied Physics Letters 87 (15), 2005
Magnonic crystals for data processing
AV Chumak, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (24), 244001, 2017
Roadmap on spin-wave computing
AV Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, A Adeyeye, ...
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (6), 0800172, 2022
Spin pumping by parametrically excited exchange magnons
CW Sandweg, Y Kajiwara, AV Chumak, AA Serga, VI Vasyuchka, ...
Physical review letters 106 (21), 216601, 2011
Advances in coherent magnonics
P Pirro, VI Vasyuchka, AA Serga, B Hillebrands
Nature Reviews Materials, 2021
Scattering of backward spin waves in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal
AV Chumak, AA Serga, B Hillebrands, MP Kostylev
Applied Physics Letters 93 (2), 2008
Spin-wave propagation in a microstructured magnonic crystal
AV Chumak, P Pirro, AA Serga, MP Kostylev, RL Stamps, H Schultheiss, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (26), 2009
A current-controlled, dynamic magnonic crystal
AV Chumak, T Neumann, AA Serga, B Hillebrands, MP Kostylev
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 42, 205005, 2009
Experimental prototype of a spin-wave majority gate
T Fischer, M Kewenig, DA Bozhko, AA Serga, II Syvorotka, F Ciubotaru, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (15), 2017
All-linear time reversal by a dynamic artificial crystal
AV Chumak, VS Tiberkevich, AD Karenowska, AA Serga, JF Gregg, ...
Nature communications 1 (1), 141, 2010
Phase reciprocity of spin-wave excitation by a microstrip antenna
T Schneider, AA Serga, T Neumann, B Hillebrands, MP Kostylev
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (21), 214411, 2008
Direct detection of magnon spin transport by the inverse spin Hall effect
AV Chumak, AA Serga, MB Jungfleisch, R Neb, DA Bozhko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (8), 2012
Supercurrent in a room-temperature Bose–Einstein magnon condensate
DA Bozhko, AA Serga, P Clausen, VI Vasyuchka, F Heussner, GA Melkov, ...
Nature Physics 12 (11), 1057-1062, 2016
Tunneling of dipolar spin waves through a region of inhomogeneous magnetic field
SO Demokritov, AA Serga, A Andre, VE Demidov, MP Kostylev, ...
Physical review letters 93 (4), 047201, 2004
Scattering of surface and volume spin waves in a magnonic crystal
AV Chumak, AA Serga, S Wolff, B Hillebrands, MP Kostylev
Applied Physics Letters 94 (17), 2009
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Articles 1–20