New algorithms and methods to estimate maximum-likelihood phylogenies: assessing the performance of PhyML 3.0 S Guindon, JF Dufayard, V Lefort, M Anisimova, W Hordijk, O Gascuel Systematic biology 59 (3), 307-321, 2010 | 18602 | 2010 |
ecospat: an R package to support spatial analyses and modeling of species niches and distributions V Di Cola, O Broennimann, B Petitpierre, FT Breiner, M d'Amen, C Randin, ... Ecography 40 (6), 774-787, 2017 | 1062 | 2017 |
Detecting autocatalytic, self-sustaining sets in chemical reaction systems W Hordijk, M Steel Journal of theoretical biology 227 (4), 451-461, 2004 | 290 | 2004 |
Improving the efficiency of SPR moves in phylogenetic tree search methods based on maximum likelihood W Hordijk, O Gascuel Bioinformatics 21 (24), 4338-4347, 2005 | 228 | 2005 |
A measure of landscapes W Hordijk Evolutionary computation 4 (4), 335-360, 1996 | 218 | 1996 |
Autocatalytic sets and the origin of life W Hordijk, J Hein, M Steel Entropy 12 (7), 1733-1742, 2010 | 206 | 2010 |
The MIGCLIM R package–seamless integration of dispersal constraints into projections of species distribution models R Engler, W Hordijk, A Guisan Ecography 35 (10), 872-878, 2012 | 204 | 2012 |
Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism JC Xavier, W Hordijk, S Kauffman, M Steel, WF Martin Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1922), 20192377, 2020 | 169 | 2020 |
The structure of autocatalytic sets: Evolvability, enablement, and emergence W Hordijk, M Steel, S Kauffman Acta biotheoretica 60, 379-392, 2012 | 143 | 2012 |
Required levels of catalysis for emergence of autocatalytic sets in models of chemical reaction systems W Hordijk, SA Kauffman, M Steel International journal of molecular sciences 12 (5), 3085-3101, 2011 | 124 | 2011 |
Prebiotic network evolution: six key parameters P Nghe, W Hordijk, SA Kauffman, SI Walker, FJ Schmidt, H Kemble, ... Molecular BioSystems 11 (12), 3206-3217, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
Predicting present and future intra‐specific genetic structure through niche hindcasting across 24 millennia A Espíndola, L Pellissier, L Maiorano, W Hordijk, A Guisan, N Alvarez Ecology Letters 15 (7), 649-657, 2012 | 106 | 2012 |
Chasing the tail: The emergence of autocatalytic networks W Hordijk, M Steel Biosystems 152, 1-10, 2017 | 100 | 2017 |
Autocatalytic sets in E. coli metabolism FL Sousa, W Hordijk, M Steel, WF Martin Journal of systems chemistry 6, 1-21, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Mechanisms of emergent computation in cellular automata W Hordijk, JP Crutchfield, M Mitchell Parallel Problem Solving from Nature—PPSN V: 5th International Conference …, 1998 | 87 | 1998 |
PhyML: fast and accurate phylogeny reconstruction by maximum likelihood S Guindon, JF Dufayard, W Hordijk, V Lefort, O Gascuel Infection Genetics and Evolution 9 (3), 384-385, 2009 | 77 | 2009 |
Amplitude spectra of fitness landscapes W Hordijk, PF Stadler Advances in Complex Systems 1 (01), 39-66, 1998 | 77 | 1998 |
Autocatalytic sets: From the origin of life to the economy W Hordijk BioScience 63 (11), 877-881, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Biodiversity is autocatalytic RC Gatti, W Hordijk, S Kauffman Ecological modelling 346, 70-76, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Material representations: from the genetic code to the evolution of cellular automata LM Rocha, W Hordijk Artificial life 11 (1-2), 189-214, 2005 | 69 | 2005 |